Все публикации

How to handle someone who pretends to like you but you know they don’t

What to do if you feel left out when you are actually with your friend group

Friend distances herself from you because of a difficult partner…

How to deal with people who are just out to prove you wrong

How do you treat someone you don’t like but your family and friends do?

How do you apologize to someone you don’t like but know that you have wronged?

Dealing with friend who keeps cancelling plans with you to spend time with another group of friends

How to handle friend who invited everyone else to dinner except you

Dealing with friends who talk non-stop then complain that they are always the ones talking!

How to handle friends who don’t support your goals and dreams

What to say to a friend who was not there for you when you were going through something

How to handle a friend who lies to you

What to say to someone who asks you personal questions but never reveals anything about themselves

How to handle friend who is friends with your haters

How/why you need to be less self-depricating

How do you tell if someone is telling a rumor, lie or the truth about another person?

How to handle a friend who ghosts you for a year then apologizes

How to handle friends who forget your birthday!

Should you say something if one relative talks behind another’s back?

How to a handle family member who tries to turn other people against you

Very subtle signs your relationship may not be working!

Should you try and rekindle a friendship of three that dissolved over jealousy?

How to handle friend who complains about girlfriend but keeps getting back together with her

Dating someone who texts you at last minute then turns off phone??