Все публикации

Sector Performance Reporting – Joining the dots to detect risk and prevent harm

Webinar: The role of governing bodies in the new era of aged care

Co-designing aged care with Consumer Advisory Bodies

The strengthened Quality Standards in Practice Workshop

Webinar: Harnessing risk management to achieve better outcomes in aged care

Aged Care Employee Day 2024

Monitor and assess your performance presentation

Quality and safety in home services – 5 key areas of risk presentation

Understanding the Quality Standards presentation

Sector webinar - a new regulatory strategy for aged care

Catching up with the Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner

Human Centricity in Aged Care: The Consumer, the Employee and the Organisation

Changing values and culture - a person-centred approach to quality care.

Provider regulation – accountability driving performance

Danijela Hlis - Older Persons Advocacy Network

Sector webinar - Getting complaints right

Strengthened Standards – what to expect and how to be ready – Residential services

National Aged Care Provider Conference 2024, highlights video

Day 2 Closing plenary – Bringing it all together – National Aged Care Provider Conference 2024

Consumer perspectives on the new Aged Care Act and strengthened Quality Standards

Plenary Provider Panel and Q&A – How providers are preparing for the reforms

Governing bodies working with older people in the design of their care – Home services

Opening address by the Minister for Aged Care and Sport, the Hon Anika Wells MP – NACPC 2024

Provider registration unpacked – registration and registration renewal – Home services