Все публикации

Tech that DOESN'T WORK for Start-ups and Mid-sized companies

Authorization across Distributed Systems: The OAuth Protocol

How Stored Procedures make databases FAST

Garbage Collection Algorithms in Java: Concurrent Updates with Optimistic Locking - Part III

How 100 milliseconds cost Amazon 3 BILLION DOLLARS: Latency, Concurrency and Parallelism

Impeccable API Design: What you MUST CONSIDER before deploying APIs to production

What is an API Gateway?

Career Choices: Four differences between Managers and ICs

How custom banners are shown INSTANTANEOUSLY: Contextual Advertising at Scale

Running a bootstrapped startup for 3 Years: The story of InterviewReady!

Dark Mode: Pilot Launch at InterviewReady

Why you should do System Design.

Zerodha Stock Broker System Design with @KeertiPurswani

The right attitude to interview rejection

Will Developers be replaced by ChatGPT and other AI tools (like Github Copilot)?

Task Management - The one thing you must know as a software engineer

Microservices vs Monoliths Tradeoffs Gaurav Sen

10 steps in the career of a software engineer: From SDE-1 to Principal Engineer

Front-End to Full-Stack: 9 Different Types of Software Engineers

NoSQL vs SQL: What's better?

Map Reduce: Google's Big Data Crunching Algorithm

8 Rules for Offer Negotiations by Gaurav Sen

Let's get InterviewReady!

Server vs. developer : Hindi Cartoon #machineempathy #systemdesign