Все публикации

Ehrenfest Paradox and its resolution

Solving Problems on the Photoelectric effect - Part 2

Solving Problems on the Photoelectric Effect - Part 1

The Photoelectric Effect

Solving Problems on Charge Quantisation – J. J. Thomson’s experiments

Solving Problems on Blackbody Spectrum and Planck's law

Blackbody Spectrum - Planck's Quantum Theory

Thermal Radiation - Blackbody Spectrum - Stefan's law and Wien's displacement law

Cavity Radiation - Blackbody Spectrum - Rayleigh Jeans law - Full derivation of Rayleigh-Jeans law

Quantisation of Matter and Radiation - Quantum Physics - Quantization

Discovery of Helium

Line Spectra - The Hydrogen Spectrum

Millikan's oil drop experiment - Determination of the electron charge and charge quantisation

Title: Discovery of the x rays and the Electron - Wilhelm Röntgen and J.J. Thomson

At the Dawn of Modern Physics | Review of Classical Physics | Failures of Classical Physics

Solving Problems on E = mc2 Mass-Energy Equivalence | Special Relativity

Solving Problems on Relativistic Energy | Special Relativity

Solving Problems on Relativistic Momentum | Special Relativity

Solving Problems on Relativistic Doppler Effect | Doppler effect in light | Special Relativity

Solving Problems on Twins Paradox | Special Relativity

Solving Problems on Length Contraction | Special Relativity | Lorentz contraction

Solving Problems on Time Dilation | Special Relativity | Physics problems

Solving Problems on Lorentz Transformation - Special Relativity - Problems

Solving Problems on Einstein's Postulates | Special Relativity