Все публикации

I FINALLY quit my corporate job at 38 to run a business and couldn't be happier

Life Is Incredibly Short (How To Not Waste It)

You can have everything you want in 90 days, here's how

Watch this if nothing is going right and feel like giving up

20 Harsh lessons I learned at 38 but wish I knew at 20

Why I started over in life & moved country in my 30s (Honest Vlog)

Start life from scratch in late 30s | new country, change job (moving vlog)

I changed ONE THING and now I don’t care about what others think

Real talk about being 30s, aging, adulthood, health (post birthday vlog)

You can change your life in 90 days, here's how you do it

You can ACTUALLY live a great life with a boring 9-5 job (watch this)

How to stop living life on hard mode, according to psychology

This is your sign to go ALL IN & stop playing it safe

Fake confidence does not work.

the strongest mature lady I've ever seen


This is how you gain 'REAL' confidence

I used to think everything goes downhill after 30

6AM MORNING ROUTINE to make 2024 my best year I productive, healthy & workout

the answer is self-awareness

when you feel lost in life, tell yourself this

Watch this if you’re in 30s, lost and achieved nothing in life

10 Daily Habits That Helped Me Lose 10lbs of FAT in 4 Months

10 Habits that will transform your life INSTANTLY (Reinvent Yourself)