Все публикации

LOTR The Return of the King - Theoden dies by Eowyn's side

Lord of the Rings The Two Towers - Eowyn practices with sword

LOTR The Return of the King Pippin sees inside the Palantir

LOTR Return of the King - Sam warns Gollum

LOTR The Two Towers - Gollum and Sméagol dialogue

LOTR The Two Towers Legolas and gimli on Helms Deep walls - Would you like me to find you a box

LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring - The Fellowship departs Rivendelle

LOTR The Two Towers - These are not mindless orcs, These are Uru Kai

LOTR The Return of the King - Gandalf comforts Merry before the battle of Minas Tirith

LOTR The Two Towers - Gandalf's Horse Shadowfax l the lord of all horses

LOTR The Return of the King - Aragorn uses palantir to show the sword of Elendil to Sauron

LOTR The Return of the King - Faramir and Eowyn love scene

The Fellowship of the Ring - Bilbo Gives Frodo the sword Sting which glows when Orcs are near

The Fellowship of the Ring - The hobbits at Green Dragon Scene

The Fellowship of the Ring - Boromir and Aragorn train Merry and Pipin

The Hobbit - The Dwarves are captured by Legolas and the Mirkwood elves

LOTR - Frodo and Sam almost caught at the black Gate

The Hobbit - Gandalf finds swords Glamdring and Sting in cave

LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring - Boromir and Aragorn talk of The Sword That Was Broken

LOTR The Return of the King -The Lighting of the Beacons l Gondor asks for Rohan's Help

The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey - The History of Erebor

LOTR The Two Towers - Saruman shows Isengard's armies ready to head to Helm's Deep

LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring - Bilbo leave the Ring to Frodo

The Hobbit - Gandalf returns to Thraundil with warnings about Azog