Все публикации

Conversing with the pros: Insights from BETA CAE Systems

Wings constructed out of carbon fiber with positive molds

I-Class Rocket Solid Motor static tests

Manufacturing a carbon fiber - pvc foam sandwich panel

Conversing with the pros: Behind the doors of LFMT

Project SELENE | Aristotle Space & Aeronautics Team ID:03

SELENE Wind Tunnel Testing | Rocketry Project

Resin infusion process by Aeronautics Project

ASAT on Axones Anaptixis - Full Documentary

MPPT simulation for the Solar UAV - PHOENIX

ASAT on Axones Anaptixis - Documentary Trailer

Selene's Rocket Model Pre-processing in ANSA BETA

A.S.A.T.: φοιτητική ομάδα σχεδιάζει ηλιακά τροφοδοτούμενο UAV για ανίχνευση πυρκαγιών

Rocketry podcast: Απογείωση σε 3...2...1...

Aeronautics podcast: Από το όνειρο, στην πτήση!

A.S.A.T.'s Rocketry Ground Station Graphic User Interface

A.S.A.T.: Η φοιτητική ομάδα του ΑΠΘ που σχεδιάζει αερόχημα και ετοιμάζει εκτόξευση πυραύλων

Program it with Aeronautics: an introduction to Arduino

ASAT Recruitment Month - Aeronautics Aerodynamics Design & Solar Sub-teams

ASAT Insights #3 - Aeronautics Unplugged

ASAT Recruitment Month - Rocketry Recovery, Payload & Safety

ASAT Recruitment Month - Rocketry Propulsion, Aerodynamics & Structural

ASAT Insights #2 - Rocketry Podcast

Introduction to LaTeX Webinar