Все публикации

Combining philodendron and alocasia in PON! Have I gone mad?!?!

Are your plants getting enough light?

Crazy alocasia roots

I can't fit any more plants in my IKEA GREENHOUSE CABINET

Monstera MINT repot and BURLE MARX FLAME chop

Awesome plant hack you need to see!

Why I never quarantine new plants

how to grow a LARGE monstera in just water

cutting all the jade branches off for this reason

orchids, jades, aroids, Q&A and so much more!!!

I cut off all the branches on this Jade for this reason....

repotting, plant talk, pests and MUCH MORE

this can power 240 grow bulbs.....bluetti AC200L

setting up your moss pole for success

how to grow the best crawling philodendron

what are these silvery streaks on the leaves??

is it worth saving??? dealing with mealybugs and thrips

restarting my jade plant

you will probably need to cut your monstera

this plank makes it so much easier

do this for larger leaves!


some of my largest houseplants

I can't believe how fast this grew