Все публикации

my new free masterclass on reaching FI

today's housing market at couples therapy

The comments salary transparency videos need to stop

Taylor Swift's 'The Man' inspired me

The type A family member during the holidays

Personal finance creator follows me around for a day

merry goopmas!!

The Office - International Edition

Quizzing people in the office about personal finance

My first PG&E bill 🙃

I'm really relaxed and easygoing #budget

How Much Should You Spend on Fun Stuff?

This Investing Mistake Cuts Returns In Half

Ways to advocate for fertility benefits

Ways to help with the cost of fertility treatments

5 Ways to Make IVF More Affordable

How to Build a Biz That Blends Education & Entertainment, with Vin Social

Does Influencer Marketing Actually Work?

What You Can Learn From This Creator's Multimillion Dollar Business

Why You Shouldn’t Make Content For Everyone

How Pet Insurance Actually Works

Here's The Right Time to Insure Your Pet

Is Pet Insurance A Scam?

Turns out money can buy happiness