Все публикации

Adventures in Peru #shorts

Hoi4 Alternate History: What if The USA Sided with Germany in WW2?

Hoi4 Alternate History: What if Germany Focused on Africa in WW2?

There is no best armor #shorts

War tactics in a restaurant #shorts

Making my wife wear my battle helmet #shorts

This armor gave you Cake #shorts

My daughter is an Evil military genius #shorts

Hoi4: What if Germany Continued to Try Diplomacy?

I LOVE MANOR LORDS Early Access: Building a Village From The Ground UP

HOI4: Can you Beat the Game With ONE DIVISION Challenge

Hoi4: New DLC Brazil is INSANELY Broken

Victoria 3: DOMINATING Through Science

The Grand Daddy of the Katana #shorts

HOI4 KAISERREDUX A2Z: Colombia Comes For Your Colon

When the CIA hid a Soviet nuclear disaster #shorts

Roman urine tax #shorts

The terrible sport of auto polo #shorts

The city that ate itself #shorts

The guy who wanted to be Genghis khan?? #shorts

This Discovery Changed Language Forever #shorts

Daniel Dancer The Ultimate Miser #shorts

Mad Jack Mytton, the dandy who wasted everything #shorts

The Jerry Lee Lewis Scandal #shorts