Все публикации

King Henry VII - Patriarch of the Tudors Documentary

Xerxes & The Invasion of Greece, Thermopylae & the 300 Documentary

Sir Francis Drake - The Pirate Who Saved England Documentary

Stephen & Matilda - The Inspiration for House of the Dragon Documentary

Mozart - History's Greatest Child Prodigy Documentary

Genghis Khan & The Mongol Empire Documentary

Sun Tzu - The Art of War Documentary

Athelstan - The King Who United England & Defeated the Vikings Documentary

Burke - The Father of Conservatism Documentary

Stonewall Jackson - Robert E. Lee's Right Hand Man Documentary

John Gotti - The Rise and Fall of the Teflon Don Documentary

Khufu - The Pharaoh Who Built the Great Pyramid Documentary

Mark Antony - Lover of Cleopatra Documentary

Van Buren - Founder of the Democrats Documentary

Ferdinand Porsche - An Automotive Icon Documentary

Andrew Jackson & The 8 Year Reign of Terror Documentary

Trajan - Rome's Last Conqueror Documentary

The Stuarts - A Complete History of the Stuart Dynasty Documentary

Queen Anne - Last of the Stuarts Documentary

Mobutu Sese Seko - Congo's Infamous Despot Documentary

Woodrow Wilson - The Divisive Democrat Documentary

Empress Matilda - Matriarch of the Plantagenets Documentary

King Stephen & The Anarchy - England's Civil War Documentary

Nerva - First of the Five Good Emperors Documentary