Все публикации

Interview with Author of UDRP's 'Passive Holding' Doctrine: Prof. Andrew Christie

When Trademark Owners File 'Largely Unintelligible' UDRP Complaints

18% Spike in Cybersquatting: Domain Dispute Digest (Q3 2023)

How MIT Won mit-dot-gay in a Domain Name Dispute

Curb Your Cybersquatting (with Larry David)

Hyphens in Domain Disputes: l-e-g-o.com and more

UDRP Case Study: When to Avoid Large Complaints

Domain Name Disputes Double Over Past Six Years

The Return of .ua Domain Name Disputes After Martial Law in Ukraine

Interview with Scott Donahey, Author of the First UDRP Decision

Avoid ChatGPT (and other AI) for UDRP

How a Trademark Owner Can Leverage Its Own Domain Name to Win a UDRP Case

AI and Domain Name Disputes

Domain Name Disputes Keep Rising (GigaLaw's Domain Dispute Digest, Q1 2023)

How to Spot (and Solve) Lookalike Domain Names

Cocaine Bear: The Domain Name Dispute!

Spanning the Dot in Domain Name Disputes: The nes.cafe Case

Barclays v. 'Barclays': When a Cybersquatter Identifies Itself as a Trademark Owner

Leonardo DiCaprio Recovers Lost Domain Name

Trademark Owners File – and Win – More UDRP Cases Than Ever

Email Address Disputes are *Not* Domain Name Disputes

Domain Disputes Reach Record High for Ninth Consecutive Year

Adding a Second Domain Name to an Ongoing UDRP Case

Incomplete PDF Dooms Domain Name Dispute