Все публикации

Caveman NAMM Coverage: RUF Guitars

Just Trying to Cash In on the Trend lol

The Cheapest Pickups on Reverb

Mesa Boogie Mark V Metal Tones

The Mark V Chugs

The Mark V is Amazing Y’all Don’t Know What You’re Talking About

The Mark V Slander Stops Today

iRig2 Tweaking

Chrome EMGs go brrrrrrrr

Clean. The. Graves.

Thank You Alan, Thank You Matt

EMG 81 + PMEQ = Toan (Part 2)

EMG 81 + PMEQ = Toan (Part 1)

EMG 60 + Boss CE-2 = Toan (Part 2)

EMG 60 + Boss CE- 2 = Toan (Part 1)

Beauty Shots


Tom Anderson H3+ Pickup Review

Flash Before My Eyes

Celestion G12-65 Metallica Shootout!

Metallica Tones Shootout!

Master Effects PMEQ Revisited

The end of an Era…
