Все публикации

Bork Spec Flip Phones.

'Tech that let me down' Special 3

Nugg Lucky Dip: Bluetooth Speaker Edition

Oh no, cheap car speakers.

The fugliest phone Nokia ever made.

Oh, you thought AirPods Max were expensive?

Google Glass, but it's 2024.

The iPad Pro is pointless.

An amazing audio experience, for $5.

I finally own the Dyson Zones.

The Smasnug-nugg-a-thon.

It's called the... Sound Burger??

Back when the internet was fun. (1999 Apple iBook)

The 'Artificial Intelligence' Rice Cooker.

The 2024 Cashies Special.

You can now order a Frank in a Hat!

Sony Pulse Elite's are a bargain.

Forget Apple Vision, I've got GLASSTRON.

The worst MacBook Apple made.


DankPods - The Complete 4th Season - 2/3

DankPods - The Complete 4th Season - 1/3

DankPods - The Complete 4th Season - 3/3

Do used microphones sound worse?