Все публикации

Plays guitar with FEET!

Plays with Feet: Christian Musician Born Without Arms

I Died and Saw Jesus

Dr. Ben Carson

NBA Player Jaden Ivey says 'Jesus is coming back'

Jesus appears to Jewish Woman

Unbelievable Conversion of a Ukrainian Woman

I had a food addiction: Selah's Amy Perry

Sportscaster's secret sin and what Jesus told her...

Pastor Spots Gunmen in Church and Prays for Them

Asbury Revival: 'There's a desire to surrender to the lordship of Jesus & walk in holiness'

Asbury Revival: Why it's unique & what's next?

God's Voice Stops Major League Pitcher From Taking Own Life

Keith Green 1978 : Make My Life A Prayer to You (live)

Keith Green's Incredible Testimony: 'Jesus proved He is God!' - 1978 Interview

BIG GEORGE FOREMAN - The Night I met Jesus

BIG GEORGE FOREMAN: The night I met Jesus Christ

Defying Disability and Following Jesus: The Honourable David C. Onley

Kathie Lee Gifford: Jesus is our only hope

Is following Christ worth it?

Atheist Comedian falls on face before God

Raised Muslim but I met the resurrected Christ

God asked Doctor for “loan of my body”

Bookkeeper Stops School Shooting