Все публикации

Muslim Translators sanitize the Qur'an's Grammatical mistakes! (#11)

New MAPI Course: 'Critical Analysis of Muhammad' (Oct 21 - Dec 9)

MUSLIMS make Intentional MISTAKES to change the meanings (#10)

CIRA Conference - Friday & Saturday, Oct 11-12 (Register NOW)

Embarrassed by their text Muslim Translators copied the BIBLE! (#09)

4 reasons why MUHAMMAD cannot be a TRUE PROPHET (in 6 minutes)!

Why Palestinians attacked Israel on October 7th? A possible reason...

Muslims take a reference to the BIBLE & change it to the QUR'AN & MUHAMMAD! (#07)

An Introduction to our new NAPC videos from June 2024!


[D] The QUR'AN, a failed BOOK WRITTEN by MEN, just like you & me!

[C] We're looking for MUHAMMAD in the WRONG DIRECTION!

[B] THE Historical PROBLEMS with MECCA (at CCSJ)

New MAPI Course: 'Beliefs and Practices of Islam' (August 26 - October 14)

[A] Islam's SOURCES are completely FRAUDULENT (JAY at CCSJ)

See how Muslims impose later Shariah principles into Qur'anic translations (#06)

When Muslims can't find Muhammad or Mecca in the Qur'an, they create them! (#04)

Oh Dear, there are some of you who just DON'T TRUST ST. MURAD'S criticisms!!

Murad shows 2 instances where the Translators borrowed from the Bible (#03)

Can 8 pebbles, in Mecca's black stone, forgive Muslim's sins? #theblackstone #islam

Murad proves that the English Translators were not only wrong, but inept (#02)

Can Muslims prove Mecca's existence in the 7th century? #islam #muhammad #christianity #apologetics

If Islam's holy Zamzam water isn't from Allah, WHO THEN?! #Islam #history #muhammad

Can we trace the Qur'an back to Muhammad? #islam #history #christianity #apologetics