Oh Dear, there are some of you who just DON'T TRUST ST. MURAD'S criticisms!!

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This new series on the mistranslations of the English Qur'an has brought about a good amount of interest on this channel, with over 99% of you giving it a "Thumbs Up", and your comments suggest that not only what he says makes perfect sense to you, but you are wondering why no one has bothered to do this earlier?

But there are a few of you who have contacted me who have asked why I put so much trust in St. Murad, since he isn't a well known Arabist, or doesn't have a degree from Al Azhar, or the Zaituna Institute.

But, that is precisely why I trust Murad, because he isn't predisposed to parrot what every Muslim scholar who comes out of those institutions parrots, taking as their cue whatever the Standard Islamic Narrative dictates a word or its meaning/s must mean.

Murad saw the poison that those institutions imposed upon their students 5 years ago and noticed that so often they would translate a word one way in one passage, but then translate the same word completely differently in another passage.

That is why he has taken the last 5 years to come up with a completely new translation which tries to remain consistent when translating a similar word between differing passages, while simultaneously asking why the translators chose the meaning they did.

In almost every case the meanings they chose was imposed on those words due to an agenda they had, and it is these agendas that Murad is bringing to the world to prove that Muslims don't want you to read what the Qur'an is actually saying, for reasons which will become patently clear as we continue through this series.

© Pfander Centre for Apologetics & Polemics - US, July 26, 2024
(108,590) Music: 'Joy at Word' by Musicifiles, from filmmusic-io
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I'm looking forward to seeing Murad's work.


Another example of words changing over time was the reaction to St Paul's Cathedral being built. A royal warrant from King Charles II used the phrase “very artificial" to describe it. It meant very artistic back then but now it means manmade or unnatural.


Abdul Alonzo Harris: "Daniel Haqiqatjou won. He beat everyone in the debate"

Daniel haqiqatjou: "Women should be beaten beat beat beat beaten"



There are so many Qurans and they are all different!


I'm just waiting on payday. Can't wait to get it


Complaints come because some people were to lazy to study and master the Arabic language of Allah. God bless you Murad and Jay.


If people complain ask them what word or words they’re not happy with and ask them to go back to the 7th century and prove that Murad got in wrong and show him and us.


Jazakallah! I trust St. Murad's translation and critique. Alhamdulillah, we Kafirs have a new and improved translation, thanks to St. Murad.


Can we even assume that the words in the Quran do not have a variety of meaning, e.g. if it contains different genres (war speeches, homilies, hymnal poetry), perhaps from different times or places, written for different audiences? It sounds worth doing, but there would be all kinds of doubts that arose, more so if the actual word is unclear because the vowelisation was reconstructed later.


St Murad said that the quran is weighty and of high theologian standard. He deserves a ⭐ for them observations.
He also understands something as in the Islamic hoax and that raises eyebrows. 🎉


They need to prove Murad wrong, if they cannot, they should be quiet.


Abdul Alonzo Harris: "show me one muslim scholar who says there is more than one quran"

muslim scholar hythem sidky: "saying there is only 1 quran falls under the umbrella of lying to children"

Abdul Alonzo Harris: "show me 2 muslim scholars who say there is more than one quran"



As one who likes "The Green Knight" I would say that narrative that suggests an ancient document is unchanged but still understandable is wrong about the document's unchanged auspices or it's understandability. No human language is unchanging and, therefore, undependable for use in writing a transcendent document. Surely our Creator would know that, but humans living in their own time would not.


I am very grateful for these important information to Dr. Jay and Murad.
Please everyone keep in mind that it is mainly jealous and ashamed Muslims who feel compelled to complain about this and that. There are even numerous professors at Al Azhar University in Cairo who, unlike Murad, do not even know the basics of the Aramaic language. Even these people would hardly dare to question Murad's translations and explanations. As usual, it is almost exclusively Muslim casual commentators and parrots who think they have to make unqualified contributions.
I have been following Murad's posts since his first video, and any intelligent, rational and logical person can easily recognize Murad's honesty. He deserves all our support.
Dear Murad, in case you are reading this comment, please check the email I sent you several days ago - perhaps it might be of interest to you. Thank you. 💕💕


An example of how two words change an entire meaning is found in Luke 1:4. Is it "most excellent Theophilus" or "noble lover of God"?


If the Qur'an was accurately preserved and transmitted via memorization for decades after Mo's death, why was it suddenly necessary to write it down and do the same? Did they not trust that their god could preserve the Qur'an in verbal form?


Reminds me of the old saying about the difference between an artist and a critic. An artist is someone who creates and suffers. A critic is just like an artist, only without the creating or the suffering.

Your critics are worth listening to only if they know more than you, Murad. This doesn't seem to be the case.

Keep up the good work, mi amigo!


Abdul Alonzo Harris: "The Bible is not true and the qurans are true because the qurans correct the Bible"

Christians: "but the qurans say Mary is the sister of Aaron"

Abdul Alonzo Harris: "The hadiths explain that Mary is not the sister of Aaron but she was only called so"

Christians: "So the hadiths correct the qurans confirming that the Bible is true"

Abdul Alonzo Harris: 😭


Hi.Murad showed a list of about 15 words and said or suggested that they are not in the quran, or the arabic word meanings are not correct.
My point was the arabic word Yathrib is in the quran.
It is believed that Yathrib word refers to Madina in Saudi.
Point 1) Why would it not refer to Madina, when SIN claims that Abdullah Mutalib was born their ?
Point 2) I believe word is genuine for the old name of Yathrib, and suggests that for it to it to be in the quran, it suggests that Muhammad may not have changed the city or town name to Madina.
3) The name being in the quran, seem to suggest the preservation of that word.


When I was young, 'gay' meant 'happy'. My Rupert the Bear book described him as being gay.
It is so sad that the word now has such a sexual meaning.
