Oh Dear, there are some of you who just DON'T TRUST ST. MURAD'S criticisms!!

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This new series on the mistranslations of the English Qur'an has brought about a good amount of interest on this channel, with over 99% of you giving it a "Thumbs Up", and your comments suggest that not only what he says makes perfect sense to you, but you are wondering why no one has bothered to do this earlier?
But there are a few of you who have contacted me who have asked why I put so much trust in St. Murad, since he isn't a well known Arabist, or doesn't have a degree from Al Azhar, or the Zaituna Institute.
But, that is precisely why I trust Murad, because he isn't predisposed to parrot what every Muslim scholar who comes out of those institutions parrots, taking as their cue whatever the Standard Islamic Narrative dictates a word or its meaning/s must mean.
Murad saw the poison that those institutions imposed upon their students 5 years ago and noticed that so often they would translate a word one way in one passage, but then translate the same word completely differently in another passage.
That is why he has taken the last 5 years to come up with a completely new translation which tries to remain consistent when translating a similar word between differing passages, while simultaneously asking why the translators chose the meaning they did.
In almost every case the meanings they chose was imposed on those words due to an agenda they had, and it is these agendas that Murad is bringing to the world to prove that Muslims don't want you to read what the Qur'an is actually saying, for reasons which will become patently clear as we continue through this series.
© Pfander Centre for Apologetics & Polemics - US, July 26, 2024
(108,590) Music: 'Joy at Word' by Musicifiles, from filmmusic-io
But there are a few of you who have contacted me who have asked why I put so much trust in St. Murad, since he isn't a well known Arabist, or doesn't have a degree from Al Azhar, or the Zaituna Institute.
But, that is precisely why I trust Murad, because he isn't predisposed to parrot what every Muslim scholar who comes out of those institutions parrots, taking as their cue whatever the Standard Islamic Narrative dictates a word or its meaning/s must mean.
Murad saw the poison that those institutions imposed upon their students 5 years ago and noticed that so often they would translate a word one way in one passage, but then translate the same word completely differently in another passage.
That is why he has taken the last 5 years to come up with a completely new translation which tries to remain consistent when translating a similar word between differing passages, while simultaneously asking why the translators chose the meaning they did.
In almost every case the meanings they chose was imposed on those words due to an agenda they had, and it is these agendas that Murad is bringing to the world to prove that Muslims don't want you to read what the Qur'an is actually saying, for reasons which will become patently clear as we continue through this series.
© Pfander Centre for Apologetics & Polemics - US, July 26, 2024
(108,590) Music: 'Joy at Word' by Musicifiles, from filmmusic-io