Все публикации

Organizing coax cable and antennas

Back into Ham Radio!

2m Ground Plane Antenna Build

A quick clean up of a new to me J-38 Key

Havention 2019, first timer....what did I buy?

Going to Hamvention in Dayton, (Xenia) Ohio! First timer

Trying to find Slow Code on the SKCC frequencies

QRP Portable self contained DIY Antenna Packtenna? LNR Trail Friendly?

Parks On the Air, or POTA, at Westmoreland State Park in Virginia

Icom LC-156 Backpack for the Icom IC-703 transceiver and what's in mine

Rewiring a Russian Military morse key to use with modern civilian radios

My home Ham radio setup, ham shack, if you will

Small, lightweight morse code keys for portable CW QRP operations

Making Ham radio contacts

Hamming it up with amateur radio fun

YouKits HB 1B unboxing preowned but new to me

QRPGuys Portable 40 30 20m Tri Band Vertical Antenna

Blue Star Antennas, vertical HF multiband antenna Rigexpert AA-30 and an Icom Ic-703

QRPGuys triband vertical antenna deployment. How I deploy mine.

Portable HB1B QRP CW Go bag first evolution

QRP Guys Iambic Paddle Kit Build

Perfect HOA friendly antenna, discrete and stealthy Broadband Butterfly Terminated Dipole

Bargain Basement Ham Radio (BBHR) Channel Trailer

Fan dipole, or multi-band dipole, antenna in my attic for my ham radio hobby