How to start a Phone Flipping Business | Fix and Resell

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How do you start buying messed up phones with cracked screens and fix them and resell them for a profit? In this video, I break down the Start-Up cost to start, Expenses and also the Profits.

How to start a phone Flipping Business | Fix and Resell

Tip: I left so much money on the table because I didn't know how to fix phones.
Example: A brand New
Used Iphone 8 plus : $440 no tax (cash)
Cracked Screen: $300- 350 ( cash )
Repair: $15
Profit: $135

Moral: You don’t need to be Bill gates to fix phones
Just how you found this video: You can find tutorials and youtube and learn for free
Or take a job and learn on the company dollar

Start-Up Cost ( how you need to start )
Create an LLC for free:
Cash: 100-300 bucks to start ( to buy, don’t worry, im going to break down later on where to buy from)
- Ifixit: 50 bucks ( laptops, and everything else)
- Budget tool: 15 bucks
Research: (time)
- Excel or Word Document: with phones you buy
- How much they sell for Market Price
- How you can Buy them for Cost
- Parts Price
Total Cost: 150 bucks to 350 bucks

Ps. No money just sell stuff around your house

Expenses ( Monthly Expenses)
Transportation: to buy and pick up phones: either gas or public transport
( Don’t go into debt, until the business can buy your car)
Messed Up phones: You might buy a bad Batch, that’s why you buy from eBay that gives you your money back ( you might get scammed, I’ll tell you how not to later on)
Your time is a Massive expense because you’ll use it to fix stuff ( but again per hour its like 70 bucks)
Eventually: Employees and affiliates to get you deals

Profit ( how much you’ll make)
From $40 bucks per Phone to $250 per phone
Example: This iPhone 7 plus 128gb sell for 325
The battery is messed up: 200-250 offer
Battery Cost: $10
Profit After eBay Fees: $62 after eBay, PayPal and shipping fee

Q. I know you have
1. What phones do I buy
A. Depends on your Budget, if you can buy a lot of 10 iphones on ebay great, if you can only afford 1 then that’s fine. You start somewhere.
2. Where do I buy them
Everywhere. Ebay, Craiglist, Offerup, Facebook, friends, stores, google places they sell
3. Where do you sell them
In those same places, sometimes buy and resell on ebay =
4. What price should I pay: Check ebay prices that have been sold for
Market Price – Fees – Desired Profit = The price you should pay
Example: Calculator
5. How do I negotiate
Read books, watch videos and practice. ( Be honest also)
6. What if I get an icloud lock phone, sell it fast on eBay and say its icloud locked
Take the L or sell it on ebay fast or Facebook
7. How to I prevent getting scammed
Check Imei, check for Icloud, Call the company make sure its paid off
8. Where do I buy the screen from
FixEZ, Ebay, DHgate, Alibaba
PS. You have a cheap screen, OEM Quality, OEM
9. What is a screen and digitizer ( It’s the actual screen when you see the screen going black and purple)
10. How to increase Price:
Buy boxes and cheap headphones for it, to make it look more new and charge a premium.

( just search youtube)

Fixez: also come with videos to help you
Ebay: Low prices, quality depend where you from
Ghgate/Alibaba for low prices




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Snapchat: tommy28fly
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Does this Business Sound too complicated? Or is it worth the time?
*** Links Mentioned***
Ifixit: 50 bucks ( laptops, and everything else)
- Budget tool: 15 bucks

( just search youtube)

Fixez: also come with videos to help you
Ebay: Low prices, quality depending on where you buy from
Ghgate/Alibaba for low prices


Started this business a week ago today, made 400 my first week and I’m 17. Youre the man!


I started when I was about 13 and now I can fix them in so little time and make a great profit.
Only things I struggle with this year was everyone was way overpricing broken ones.


I already do this, it works like a charm, making about 500 a week doing it and Christmas is coming up so 🤑🤑🤑


I was legit staring at my wall at like 3am and thinking about this, thank you so much your a true legend!


This is the way to do it. I watch a lot of work from home, flip for profit videos and this is the legit answer. You are doing 2 things here. 1. You are buying low, repairing the product to increase it's value and then selling it back into the market for a profit. 2. The reason you are getting paid for doing this is because you took the time and learned how to do something technical and your also a salesman on top of it. In the end, you make bank, getting paid for your research, expertise and effort. Phones aren't going anywhere. This is the game you want to be in.


Nice breakdown of everything. I really needed to hear your cut to make it worth your time. I lost my leg 5 yrs ago and needed something to keep my mind active ( I used to be an industrial electrician in injection molding). So I started asking around for broke phones I will repair them just buy the parts. Well that got me going, so I started charging $20 plus parts and did all the research to get the best deal and correct parts, output the cost of t he parts til I got paid, and I have gotten to the point I want more I think I have been taken advantage of a couple friends I use for repair contact (I think they are adding their profits along the way as I cant ever talk to the end user, lol). You have given me purpose and a different course to be successful at it.


I use to do this years ago. Also find an small owned phone fixing business, talk to the owner and give him an offer to bring phones to him to fix daily for a super discounted price.. Had a guy who would fix cracked screens 15 bucks a pop because i was consistently giving him business


Started repairing phones in like 2019 for friends and family then started this business in March 2020 from the money of my 12th birthday and now I’m 13 and I’ve made 7k from it


It's not worth the hassle for me to do it as a business, but I like repairing phones so I save money for my family by replacing battery or screen for them so they don't have to buy new phones.


thanks bro, in my area there’s literally no one doing this as I’m from Adelaide and all the people are doing things are in Melbourne and Sydney so I am racking up


I use to do this business on a small scale. Now I am going to start again and scale it. You won over my subscription. Great content! 👍🔥😎


Video suggestion: can you show how to fix devices in a video? Many other videos either fly through it or based on comments have a bunch of mistakes. Love your content and genuineness!


I started doing this about 2 months ago but finally found this video. I hope this helps my business.


Im 14 years old and i've been wanting to do this for a while and i like working on electronics thanks for inspiration keep up the great work


I'm always ready to learn anything you a grinder Tommy I respect u


Appreciate all the effort you put into your videos educating others!


Hey, man. I'm a recent subscriber, but I've already watched about 70% of your videos. I've found great value in them, especially this video on flipping phones. However, I do have one critique: diction. I understand that once you get started, it's hard to slow down and enunciate each and every syllable in a clear manner, but it should help getting your message across, as well as presenting you as a more professional person. I said all of that with the utmost respect, because I do enjoy watching your videos, but once again I was reminded of this small flaw when you said "fifty" and "fifteen, " and it sounded like you'd just said "fifty" twice. Anyway, I hope this helps and isn't taken in a negative manner.


I'm going to try this, l'm from South Africa and a lot of people sell their used iPhones really cheap cause they don't have boxes but now l know that l can get boxes online l'm gonna try flipping them ... thanks this video helped a lot.


I’m going to try it. My current job is minimum wage with flexible hours. I don’t mind it because I’m not much of a spender butttt I’d definitely do the job, seems more exciting and profitable
