I Climbed To A Hidden Ancient Ruin and Found Something I’ve Never Seen Before

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While exploring a remote area in the American Southwest, I came upon numerous signs of ancient history in this area. As I explored deeper, I discovered ancient ruins and beautiful geologic features I couldn't have imagined. As I explored these sandstone paradises and pondered what life would've been like for these ancient peoples, I was left in awe of the life they carved out of these rugged areas.

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#ancientdiscoveries #exploration #backpacking #hiking #adventure #ancienthistory #ancientarchitects
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As a Native American (Apache), I enjoyed your video and am appreciative of the respect you show to these sites and artifacts.


I am a rancher in SW Texas, and working on 82 years of youth. My family lived on a ranch 14 miles north of Crownpoint, McKinley County, New Mexico. We were there in the forties and fifties, until 1955 when Dad sold the ranch to the Navajo Nation, pow wows being held at the Big Room, Window Rock, Az. My dad was a lifelong rancher, but was an archeologist and anthropologist. An ancient Pueblo village of pueblos had once thrived only 209 meters to the south of our house and pens. Your videos are the best educational tool of discovery and understanding of the ancient Anasazi. My father would have appreciated your educated dialogue and your understanding and bequests for all those who venture into these ancient riparian canyons. Those who follow your footsteps and explore the shelters must leave them as they are! Look, enjoy, even touch, but leave for the next visitor. Take pictures not artifacts. A very long drought meant peaceful puebloans who farmed for centuries became famished with failing crops and lack of water. Research proves that some turned to theft, cannibalism, and forced families to shelter in the cliffs. Foraging through gathering and hunting took the place of the old ways. Defensive impenetrable walls in high places protected family groups of various sizes to survive, often migrating from Winter south facing shelters to summer jokes facing north away from the hot sun. I thank you and pray you will continue your treks and your teachings🙏


I am a 75 yr old great grandmother from Liverpool up North in U K, now living in perth W A. I realy enjoyed your journey and love the respect you show to the ruins thank you for sharing your video, the scenery is beautiful, we love the native way of life that was in the past.


Pete again,
And one more thing,
My gut feeling is the ancient Pueblo peoples who built these homes and granaries would be honored to have a man like you visiting them.
• You respect their work, skills & craft.
• You respect the hard life they had out there farming in a rock pile.
• In telling their story we come to know them, remember them and thus honor them.
Personally I have developed a profound respect for them thanks to the videos you and a couple other men like you are producing.
Thank you


Im 61
When ibwas a kid i had hopi classmates that took me to old ruins and we explored a few. I'm glad we didn't damage anything. Its nice that you go close up to the ruins but are careful not to destroy anything.
Takes me back toba good time in my childhood. Thank you


Very glad to see that your approach to all of these sites is gentle and respectful. That and your calm demeanor are a rarity in the YT world. Thanks for your
humility and curiosity.


Ex archaeologist….you’re keeping me alive! I’m inspired to go back and wander a little while I still can! Thank you!


You are exploring my childhood these past few months! I’m too old to do any hiking these days, but man, I’m enjoying your videos! The camera just doesn’t do the views justice. But they ARE beautiful.


I really enjoy your treks. At 73 I can no longer do the scrambling required so I live vicariously by watching your videos.


Dude, you get so many nice compliments on both your explorations and on the high quality of your story telling skills.
Take a moment and let that sink in.


Great video. I’m 73 and can’t get out so I really appreciate your work.


Great video. So many people don't understand the rugged beauty of the American Southwest. I live in Apache county Arizona between the Apache to the south, Navajo to the due North and Zuni Pueblo to the Northeast. My 40 acres ranch is 6 miles from New Mexico and 7300 ft up. I wouldn't change the life I have here for anything else of worldly value. I have found Arrowheads and small pieces of Anazazi pottery plus all the petroglyphs. People from well over 1000 years ago left these beautiful messages for us... To them the future. I absolutely love eastern Arizona and western New Mexico.


I love seeing comments from the older crowd that can’t get out but live thru you vicariously! Great content!!


You are my legs.. I m old, can’t hike anymore. Thank you for taking me along man! I enjoy you and your adventures. Be blessed. And careful my friend! 💙🇺🇸👍🏽


Your videos are helping my depression….you’re so right about being in solitude. It forces you to be present in the moment with that natural focus we are all capable of. I found myself in tears for much of this video and I’m truly grateful that for a moment I was looking at the world with a childlike enthusiasm I had stored away a long time ago…. Love and Light ❤


I'm a Land Surveyor...and I definitely appreciate the quad map...topo views...as well as the aerials... you're living the Dream buddy....stay Safe! And I'll be a long for the Journey! Thank you!!


Most people don't understand wanting to be alone in these places. But I do! Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you while I wait out the winter where I am. ❤


I grew up in the Mojave desert. I no longer live there. Your quiet video took me back home to the desert I love and all its beauty. Thank you for the journey.


Something about those hand prints is just amazing. You can imagine them doing that all those hundreds of years ago, what's happened in all that time, and for you to spot them and share it with the world. Incredible. Kind of emotional. Thank you.


I just want to thank you, I am a Australian and Inlove the history of the world but America has Amazing history and because of your effort I get to see some of it, the canyons blow me away and how some of these homes are but are beyond belief, However if it wasn’t for yourself and others like you People like myself would never know. So again a big big Thankyou, much respect Andy. Perth Australia
