Proof That Humans Have an Immortal Soul Found By Quantum Physicists

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Is there life after death? This simple question has rattled scientists since the beginning of time. For some reason, it appears as though it’s impossible to concretely declare whether or not there is life after death.
Stuart Hameroff from the University of Arizona and the British mastermind physicist Sir Roger Penrose have teamed up to finally give us an answer to that question.
Their answer stated that consciousness is literally just all of the information that we have stored throughout our life inside of our soul.
This information is stored on a quantum level, which is why we were never able to discern them before.
This quantum theory was proved by them when they brought forth proof of the element known as “protein-based microtubules”.
So, according to them, when we die our souls are released into the cosmos where our information is spread all the way around the universe, only for it to be funneled back into another consciousness.
We know that this is true because when we go through a near-death experience we see our own life flash before our eyes.
According to another theory going around at the time, these near-death experiences represent a vision into a parallel universe in which we did die, so our souls almost exited our bodies for a second, only for them to return to their rightful place yet again.
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Nuclear fusion was though to be impossible at the turn of the century ! will Quantum experiments show us how to capture a human soul ? show proof of the 4th dimension ? Fantastic !!
