14 Guerrilla Marketing Tactics for Entrepreneurs

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Valuetainment Posting Schedule:

Monday- Motivation for Entrepreneurs
Tuesday- How to Video with Patrick Bet-David
Wednesday- Life of an entrepreneur vlog
Thursday- How to Video with Patrick Bet-David
Friday- Case Studies with Biz Doc Tom Ellsworth

About Valuetainment: This channel is about providing a hybrid of information and education for entrepreneurs. Every video is created with a purpose of providing value and entertainment, hence Valuetainment.

Patrick Bet-David, the creator of this channel has decades of experience, unique perspectives and experience that he wants to give back to the world of entrepreneurs. Why? Patrick Believes that 100 percent of the worlds problems can be solved by entrepreneurs. He is also an active CEO and leads a financial services sales force of over 3,000 agents across the U.S.

Follow Patrick on social media:
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I am a high end auto detailer. When I finish a client's vehicle I take a photo of the vehicle. That night I print business cards for my business using the clients freshly detailed vehicle. The next day I deliver the business cards to the client and ask them if they wouldn't mind passing them out. They are first struck by the surprise of seeing their car on the business card. They are always more than happy to show off their pride and joy and refer me to their friends, family and colleagues.


Red Bull used to put empty cans in the clubs back then to make it seem like the product was in high demand




One thing I used to do when I ran an open mic hip hop event every month.... I'd take lots of photos, the idea was to make the place look as busy as possible. I'd then make sure the photos were edited with that in mind, too. Then twice a day I'd upload 5 photos at a time to our facebook page. In those photos I'd tag people that attended. I'd do this right up until the day of the following event. I'd be careful not to tag the same person multiple days in a row.
This did a couple of things, it kept our business name in the front of the minds of the people who would come to our shows. It also made sure that other people would see it pop up in their news feed frequently, and considering they can't tell what night the picture was taken, it makes it look like we have lots of people there all the time, and their friends attend all the time.


Printed business info or company name on shirts and donate to local community. Rewards citizen for doing good around their community. When ever i saw a good deed being preformed by someone i reached out and gave them a shirt with by business printed on it. Although it was a small gesture, the fact that people felt recognized by the fact of doing some good and having my shirt reinforced a positive reaction.


Very inspiring. One of the methods i used that was effective for me was dropcards. So i had this company which created a splitting image of a $100 dollar bill but the size was smaller than the standard bill. On that bill i would write a message or call to action, fold it and just drop it on the street. It looks like money so someone is going to pick it up. I got many call backs from that method, some persons were pissed, some valued the creativity and some some the humor but most importantly it created a buzz and sent traffic my way


The read between the lines message here I don't think is the techniques used, but the target market. Pat made a list of specifically targeted people before doing any of these techniques. If you hand out Chinese festival flyers to a mainly African community it will get less response than if you handed them out in a more Chinese area. Having a target market of who you are trying to sell to makes life a lot easier when marketing and will yield higher returns.


Wonderful advice as always. I worked with a client and I got traffic to her door by partnering her with another business that served the same clients but a different product. She sews clothes for women and I got her to partner with a local hairdresser that also targeted women in her target age range. They offered coupons to clients from each other and gained a lot of referrals from each other


Mailing books to Influenceors, shoes, social media image change and wrap car are awesome nice ideas! Here is a strategy for you peeps, if a local business is delivering milk or newspaper to you every morning. Talk with the delivery kid, mix your flyer inside newspapers etc.


I’m so mad I just found this channel, I was trying to stay off social media’s for years and years but I didn’t know what I was missing. Thank you pat.


Brother thank you, I am in water business and some thing just striked me now. I will do private label bottles for local business for their market reach and I make my sales. Thank you, God bless you. Rk from India.


Most value I’ve found in a single video in 4 years! LOVED LOVED LOVED this video


I've placed flyers that had my instagram info on them, on the inside of the bathroom stall, so that people could look me up while they're taking a dump. Didn't think it would work but i had a bunch of people hitting me up shortly after that. I figured everyone usually uses their phone while in the bathroom.


More 🔥🔥🔥, Pat 🤘😎🤘
I have been a sign spinner for Liberty Tax Service.fkr 6 years and as a brand ambassador for over half a dozen stores throughout the county and in charge of hiring for numerous stores. That has helped put in a position to really help build the trust and bond with the community, and guerrilla marketing is something a mentor of mine Danny Hewitt drilled into my dome. Go big, leave em wanting more and let your character help make the sale.

And water bottles are one of our favorite methods and fresh popcorn. Machines are cheap and the smell draws them in like nothing else.
Piggy bank is on the #todolist
Thanks for more amazing content.

And a special thanks for your candor on the AR-15 video


Genius - awesome Pat! Your brand does not disappoint, a lot of value here as always. Thank you, and hope your business continues to grow!


hey Patrick first off I just want to immediately start off start by saying.. PHENOMENAL VIDEO!!! Your videos are truly the gift that keeps on giving and there's no price tag that could possibly be put on them... THANK YOU!!! so the guerrilla marketing tactic that I used I was in community college and it's nothing big it's nothing major but I'll share it and my ingenious idea was when we had finals you could go on the college website and print out a study packet and what I did was I typed in all of the answers to study and I don't even know if all the answers were the correct answers but I did it to the best of my ability and I was selling study packets to people for $15 a piece not the answers just the study package because people were too lazy to study and fill in the packet themselves... I ended up selling a couple and that felt great after my creative hard work... hope this information and idea blesses others...


Your channel is by far the best source of business advise and inspiration! Thanks for all the help and for posting these videos!


I’m chocked by how much value you can find on this channel, thanks a lot from Italy


Congrats Patrick . You are doing an awesome work . Your passion and talent will continue growing and helping more people to develop there dreams . God bless you. 👊🏻🙌🏻



No rational person can say that the content you provide on Valuetainment is not the best for entrepreneurs on YouTube! But this video is something different. The stellar applications in this video are unique and inspiring in their success! Thanks for fighting the good fight for all entrepreneurs, even the teenage ones who have another whole set of challenges like me.

The video I am waiting for next is why Valuetainment is not in the dictionary yet because everyone should know about your mission!

Best regards!


CEO of Heights Drones, LLC
Aerial Marketing
