Shin Megami Tensei 30th Anniversary !!! will it be like the Persona 25th Anniversary ? (NEW UPDATES)

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They can't break my heart again if I expect nothing this time.


Expectations are low for this anniversary event. but there are a lot of things I would like to see....such as SMT5 ported to PS4, PS5, PC, etc. regardless if it is manics/special/ultimate edition or direct port, HD remasters of both DDS games, collections of the older games like Col. 1(SMT1, SMT2, SMT if...), Col. 2(Persona 1 and both 2s), remakes of older games like SMT1, Soul Hackers 1, Persona 1, etc.


On the chance that this isnt covering just mainline Id like to see them finish up porting the PS2 duologies of DDS and Raidou and also I know this would take alot of work since its a 3DS game but SMT IV/A should be on everything to since Nocturne and V are more available. Finally while this wouldn't be as exciting for me personally since I have it already on my go to platform I think SMT V will go multiplat.


That logo is kind of neat, I really like it


My ideal scenario would involve something with SMT IV coming to modern consoles in some way, getting to play that game on a big screen is something that would have me bursting with joy. SMT V coming to other platforms would also be great. Having early SMT games finally get an English translation and official Western release would also be nice, as would getting remasters of the Digital Devil Saga and Raidou games on modern consoles. For a wild card, how giving the Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue metroidvania game an official release? Or maybe putting Jack Bros in the Nintendo eShop?


Well since it is Atlus, don't expect much, but you will be surprised what we will get vs what we thought would get.


My biggest hope is that Atlus West learned their lesson about hyping up the Persona anniversary without realizing most of the announcements were Japan focused.

From Japan, I'd expect a lot of merch, and possibly SMT IV and IV Apocalypse ports.

But I'd hope that Atlus West uses this as a chance to give us content we never had in the West. Maybe localizations of SMT 1 and 2, or maybe even localizations of the original Megami Tensei novels.


We don't even know what this anniversary will be like and when they will start doing anything for it....other then a logo...though logo is nice.


Remember P 25 doesn’t actually end until January 2 ports are still coming


if the 25th anniversary for PERSONA which is way more popular is this bad can you only imagine the SMT anniversary? No one should have any hopes.


I hope not, I hope for a Smt4, Smt4 Apocalypse and Strange Journey Redux HD Switch port and Divine Powers dlc for Smt5, similar to Demifiend one.


And we get

Nothing lol
