Review: Hilary Hahn's Latest Ain't No Eclipse

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Hilary Hahn (violin): Eclipse (for some strange reason--in reality you get:)
Dvořak: Violin Concerto
Ginastera: Violin Concerto
Sarasate: Carmen Fantasy
Franfurt Radio Symphony, Andrés Orozco-Estrada (cond.) DG
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I got this album the day it came out. I really love it. I am an unashamed Hilary Hahn fan.


Stupid titles are also becoming a necessity among new music works… God forbid a modern composer should call his/her large-scale orchestral work “Symphony No. 2”! Now they call it “Winds of Identity” or “Memories of xyz” or “Newton’s identity and Science is Awesome yada yada yada.” Priorities!


Concept albums are the fruit of the performer centric trend in the industry (or just DG?). The exact opposite are boxsets like 'Complete works of Beethoven' where performers go basically anonymous. Personally I'm not against concept albums at all, since I like the idea of putting on a disc and hear different styles/programs next to each other, like in concerts. And if the concept doesn't work out for me, there's nothing stopping me from just take it as say another Dvorak violin concerto recording. That being said, those concept albums that put together one movement here, another movement there are not for me, as these are like forcing the concept on the audience


Just ordered this before listening to your review. I have never heard the Ginastera before but I love his other concertos and I can't wait to hear it, especially in Hillary Hahn's immensely capable hands.


It's rare, but sometimes artists write intelligent booklet notes.
One of the best booklet note that I ever read was Rachel Barton Pine's Brahms/Joachim violins concertos records, on Cedille: absolutely excellent, with many details about the story of the works and the music.
Thank you so much Dave for the video, I didn't know the existence of this cd, I'm so curious listen to it, expecially for Ginastera. Hilary Hahn is extraordinary in performing horrendously complex works, like Schoenberg's violin concerto, for me the reference recording of the work.


I loved every piece in this album but Dvorak recording simply mesmerized me because I was not expecting it to be so sentimental and personal, especially the first movement; I'm used to it being played intense like you described it (I think you might like her 9-year-ago recording on Youtube - it's completely different from her current recording). I miss her online concert of this album, though. I hope they put it back to Youtube.


Hilary Hahn talks (and plays) rather engagingly about the last movement’s syncopated rhythm on her YouTube channel . Ie. It sounds in 2 but is written in 3.


If memory serves there’s an amusing story about the Ginastera in Anshel Busilow’s biography (Don’t shoot the conductor) When he was concertmaster of the Philadelphia Orchestra he played the Ginastera concerto but simplified the difficult opening cadenza - without Ormandy or the composer noticing. After he left Philadelphia, Ormandy scheduled the concerto again with the new concertmaster - he was told off, ‘play it like Brusilow’ Ormandy said. As to this CD I was sorry the Dvorak is not recorded sonically as well as the rest of the programme- it is recorded in a different venue. As to Hilary’s personal note in the booklet this is hardly an issue since there is a conventual essay on the music as well.


We, the violin gang, are so proud of her. She's definitely the Goddess of Violin. Her musicality, her interpretation, her technique... Jesus. Eclipse has become one of my favorite Hilary albums ever!!!!


This title problem is especially bad with DG. They have an ongoing series with Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla & the CBS called "The British Project." It's only a "project" for DG, since they've never cared an iota about British music. All the while nearly every other label has been recording British music for decades. Tone deaf & patronizing at the same time.


I bought this album last week and loved it - the Ginastera especially, a fascinating work. I'd never heard it before, and I'm grateful that Hilary Hahn chose to record it.


They didn't send you the deluxe LP/CD edition with "Special Key Chain"? 🙂Awaiting the CD in the mail from the folks at Amazon.


Hahn talks about all three works in separate videos on her YouTube page.


The first movements sound to me like an "Etude" where Ginastera tooks the ideas from the history of violin writing and put them together in the first movement. This unusual collage bother me a little bit in a concerto structural wise. There was a film concert of Hahn-Estrada playing the Ginastera that is even more exciting, but it seems no longer available.


Wonderful CD and very nice review. I do care about the artist (and it is evident Mr. Hurwitz does as well), though, and greatly enjoy the context she provides in her thoughtful notes. I too got it the day of release and was flabbergasted by the Ginastera, delighted by the Sarasate and very happy with the Dvořak. Her technique and expressiveness are stunning. Bravo Hilary. I also thoroughly enjoyed the Frankfurt Radio Symphony orchestra/Andrés Orozco-Estrada performance.

Eclipse? A time of darkness when one is expecting light. Sure seems to fit the period. Resonated with me, but I'm notoriously fanciful.


Its odd listening to the hahn and the accordo back-to-back because estrada (or hahn?) take the first etude much slower, which I guess I could see the argument for but I just don’t find it as exciting. The rest is amazing though, so glad she recorded it


Thanks for this review. I'm curious about what you think of another violinist, Esther Abrami's debut cd, she has successfully brought herself to the fore via social media and has now landed a Sony contract. Curious to know if you think her playing lives up to the 'hype'


so are they saying HH's virtuosity eclipses all other violinists ? or is the music best listened to in the dark ? i would have preferred a CD called "Éclair" - music that makes one crave chocolate icing


After eclipse is syzygy; let's see if DG gets that one. Thanks for the review. I will collect this one.


When I read the definition of this video, thought she was starting off with a contemporary piece called Eclipse. What can I say?
