How long do dermal fillers really last? MRI scans provide evidence.

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Dr. Gavin Chan MBBS, General Registration (MED0001175745) and Dr. Mobin Master discuss the longevity of temporary hyaluronic acid fillers. They challenge the common belief that these fillers last 6 to 18 months by using evidence from MRI scans of patients who have had filler.

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These guys are a RARE find telling the truth!!! Most plastic surgeons tell you what you want to hear and take your money, leaving you looking like a chipmunk with trout mouth. I'm a cosmetic surgery recovery nurse in L.A.


I went to Dr Chan a couple years ago. He was very honest and genuine. He actually said I don't need what I had gone in to get. You don't see doctors like that anymore


Youtube is so weird, I decided today I wanted to get fillers, and then this was recommended to me.


It has taken me more than 8 years to finally feel comfortable and confident to post a review about Gavin Chan. In 2015 I went to the Victorian Cosmetic Institute & was talked into having 4mls of filler injected into my cheeks & nasolabial folds by self appointed cosmetic medicine specialist Dr Somaiye Kadivar. I was told it would lift my cheeks & that the filler was temporary & would last between
12-18 months. Once the procedure was over I looked in the mirror & noticed one cheek was higher while the other cheek was lower & further out from my nose. My nasolabial folds were arched, crooked, unnatural & everytime I smiled my cheeks would pop out like golf balls. I hated the results because the filler added volume instead of a lift like I requested. I made a complaint to Gavin Chan who said it was easily & instantly reversible by injecting Hyaluronidase which is used off label to dissolve fillers. After several attempts over the coming days & weeks it was quite obvious that the filler was still present. On one occasion Gavin Chan dissolved my tear troughs via the cheeks yet I never had filler in my tear troughs to begin with. On another occasion while injecting Hyaluronidase he also started to inject filler into my temple without prior warning. When I asked him why he was injecting my temple he told me he was compensating me for my troubles yet never mentioned that the temple is a danger zone & a risky area to inject. In total I had 6mls of filler injected into my face within 19 days, yet on the Victorian Cosmetic Institute's website it states that 1ml of filler is enough for the entire face. On each occasion Gavin Chan never informed me of the risks, dangers & complications associated with Hyaluronidase & never gave me a consent form to read and sign. A few years later I had a consultation with Professor Mark Ashton who is an expert in filler complications & he told me that if the filler hadn't dissolved by now than it was permanent. He gave me a referral for an MRI of the head which can detect the exact amount of filler & the exact location of the filler. The MRI report stated that I still had upto 4mls of filler in my face even after all the dissolving sessions over the many years. Gavin Chan then decided to look into MRl's & the longevity of fillers after I informed him of my MRI result & capitalised on it by making a YouTube video claiming he made this discovery. In the meantime I noticed that my facial structure had collapsed, I developed deep hollows under my eyes, my cheeks caved in, my marionette lines were deep, long & dragged down. The corners of my lips sunk into my mouth & my skin was extremely loose, saggy & stretchy all the way down to my neck. Hyaluronidase did not dissolve my fillers but instead permanently dissolved my connective tissue as it can't distinguish between the skin's own HA & the HA in dermal fillers. Hyaluronidase has aged my facial features by 10 years & only a full facelift & necklift can fix this. In 2019 & 2020 I took Gavin Chan to VCAT requesting a refund & a corrective advertising order because his website falsely advertised that the temporary fillers they use last anywhere between 12-18 months. Gavin Chan was granted lawyers on the grounds that his business reputation was at stake while I had to represent myself. I cross examined him with over 90 questions & I presented over 100 pages of supporting evidence & documentation while he only had photos & amended clinical notes. The hearing was held over 2 days & my claims were eventually dismissed by the judge. Gavin Chan got away with not providing me with a consent form for Hyaluronidase on each occasion. I hold Gavin Chan responsible for destroying my looks & my life. The self appointed cosmetic surgeon as he once claimed to be isn't even a GP, he is just a medical practitioner & in my opinion has a special interest in portraying himself as the master of cosmetic injectables in an unregulated industry.
Gavin Chan is an injectable junkie, obsessed with the syringe & makes no apologies for ruining my life. Gavin Chan pays a lot of money to have my Google review removed on more than one occasion and I’ve been threatened with legal action by his lawyers for coming forward. He doesn’t want anyone finding out the truth.


I brought up my concern about facial bloat from fillers and the nurse just avoided my question. We need more honest doctors like this 👍


You should do a peer reviewed study on this topic and have it published!!


I’m 30 and have had circles under my eyes for a long time. I went to a nurse to do a consultation on getting tear trough fillers and she actually *turned me down* and recommended addressing what could be lack of sleep and allergies. That was one of the best, most sensible things she could’ve done and I’ve since made the personal decision to refrain from getting Botox and fillers.


Honest men with integrity!! An anomaly!! Thank You.


Give this doctor an Oscar for his honesty this really is an eye opener.


Medical professionals with ethics. Now that’s more like it. Good job!


I went to Dr Chan a few years ago and then again recently. He was telling me about this, after I said that I felt the filler in my top lip had stayed put and I only wanted a little bit in the bottom lip. He is an amazing Doctor and really wants you to look natural and refreshed. He never tries to ‘upsell’ you anything and I trust him implicitly. He is also very complimentary, kind and funny.


This information wasn’t meant to scare people or convince us that HA fillers are going to ruin your face. It’s a matter of going to someone who will be honest and put a limit on how much they’re willing to stuff into one persons face. As well as knowing when to say no, or choosing to dissolve the filler first.


May God bless these honest doctors, full of integrity. I am cancelling my filler schedule next week, would be gracefully aging all my life.


Apparently he destroyed this lady's face with execive fillers back in 2015 when she wanted them removed he kept injecting hyluronidase but to her was clear the fillers were there after years. She went to another doctor who ordered an MRI and saw 4 ml of fillers still there even after all this time and hyluronidase. She took her findings back to him he only offered more hyluronidase and ended up stealing the finding of MRI to detect fillers and coining it as his.The ladys face is all deflated and aged now after all this. Lol so ya not so great of a guy afterall.


OMG. I just went through this. My jowls? Not actually jowls! It was 7 year old filler that doctor put to ‘sculpt jawline.’ Same with smile lines. By the way, I didn’t go in for either of those! It took several sessions to dissolve (and still can’t get it all). I had doctors tell me that it was impossible for the filler to still be there. But a doctor finally agreed to try dissolving it and within hours of the dissolver, I looked 10 years younger. And the filler definitely migrated to places nearby that I never had injected. What a costly and stressful lesson! I feel vindicated to hear you talk about this.


Had very deep nasolabial folds at age of 46 - as evidenced with photos . Had juvederm injections and they have never returned - I’m now 56! Have mentioned it to couple of practitioners and they’ve told me it’s feel vindicated now. The photos prove it.


Best video by a doctor in filler I have ever seen. Thank you for this.


I had gotten filler underneath my eyes, and they overfilled it a little. One year later I went back to have it dissolved and they wouldnt do it because they said it prob wasn’t filler if it had been there a year. I went to a different doctor because I know my face extremely well and she agreed to try the dissolver. 4 hours later it completely dissolved like I knew it would and went back to the other place to tell them my experience. They were so surprised it lasted that long but they need to know that for some people it can last that long if not even longer. Thanks for making this video!


No idea how this got in my recommended but it's fascinating. Totally subbing


A rhinoplasty surgeon I know also mentioned during a live video online that “temporary” fillers used to reduce the hump on the nose can remain there still years after. He mentioned that they actually still see the filler during surgery, even if it has “disappeared”. It made me realize how we take these claims (like temporary and easy) with a grain of salt and don’t know enough about such important subjects
