10 Handy Tips & Tricks for Classic WoW

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If you have any suggestions, requests, or just general feedback let me know in the comments or with a message. I try my best to answer or at least read as many as I can.

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Your voice is so relaxing, you don't sound dead. *Feels rested*


You just saved so many lives with that splitting grouped mobs tip lol


my Nana, whom has been playing wow from almost the beginning wants you to upload more classic wow videos, she loves all you're videos, finds them informative, and she says you have a very lovely voice, she says MAKE MORE CLASSIC VIDEOS PLZ, lol. Dude you are very informative, and i enjoy watching your videos.


I don't think ever seen a madseason video that I didn't thoroughly enjoy watching.


I think it's cool that Vanilla has all these nifty items that are useful in certain situations. And man, I did not know about most of these! Thanks a lot for sharing, and I look forward to your next video!🔥


"You'll notice that your breathing timer is much shorter in classic" - **laughs in undead**


Gotta play bald characters for the aerodynamic speed increase


Please make an AV video with how everything works. No one knows how it works anymore.
People don’t understand the mechanics or how to summon the much-needed mini bosses.


Brand new player here. Going to be trying classic out. Hope it goes well! Thanks for the tips


Genuinely one of my favriote YouTubers, one of two channels that I get excited to watch a video of! Keep it up :)


I remember weapon skill leveling being one of the more aggravating parts of being a Warrior, but probably only because I made damn sure to keep each and every skill (including Unarmed) at max or as near as I could before the next level hit. I had one of each weapon type with me at all times and would swap them around as my obsessive nature demanded, "just in case" I found a really good weapon and wanted to use it. Keep in mind that a 12 slot bag was HUGE back then, and 8 slotters were a good mix of affordable and practical (much like 16 slot bags are today).

My obsession with keeping every skill as close to max as possible also crept into Blacksmithing, where it simply was not feasible but I did it anyway. I didn't have my mount until 50 not because I blew all my gold on class skills, but on Mithril. So much Mithril I bought just to avoid "wasting time" on Mining because it was already max...

Anyway, uh, lesson here kids is that it's far from vital (and not always possible) to have every weapon skill maxed out at every level. If you have to spend a dozen fights leveling a weapon skill for that nifty new drop to be worth a damn, so be it. It's better than keeping an entire bag full of old crappy weapons from 10+ levels ago. Side lesson is that you should maybe manage your finances a little, and not blow every coin on something you can get yourself.


As a 30 yo man who played wow back in vanilla, but really got stuck into the more hardcore aspect of the game during tbc... This video is so informative. I would've never known back in those days about stuff like the magic dust and certain farmable consumables like that. I'll have them on my radar going forward thanks to this video. So excited to get back into classic and get my nostalgia flowing!


Have the biggest crush on Madseason. Thanks for the content! Its like a nostalgia hug


Tell my family I love I'm going in!


I was a fisher and a cook back in the day and I also do remember Hunters and Rogues approaching me because of the Winter Squid. I told them how this thing works and I will either fish for them, or they join me. Luckily, the Rogues were kindred spirits (I was an Arms Warrior until I got my hands on Fury Weapons) and they all joined me when the Winter Squid Season started :)

We had a good time fishing and sharing all different kinds of stories. Either from the real life or in game. It turned out, 3 of the Rogues were musicians like me. I am a guitarrist and I found a bass player, a singer and a drummer IN MY OWN GUILD! I do miss my rogues. We had a real life meeting and boy we had a wonderful unplugged session there for our Guildies. Good times... I miss them...


Still my FAVE Mono-Tone Tuber out there! Had aforgotton about some of these, and learned a couple of new ones too! Thanks for that bro! Keep em comin!


Hey MadSeason, thank you for all your classic videos. They make the wait for classic bearable. You rock, keep up the great work!


Your videos are enormously well made, the all around feeling is very comforting. Thanks MadSeason. You are actually one of the few channels I disable my Adblocker for.


"More dead than usual"

No worries dude, we don't hear the difference :D


The "leaving the party" trick still works to this today and it's even easier to do: you can create a private group in Group Finder and leave it immediatly. It's mostly useful while farming some old content, if it doesn't offer you a quick exit. For instance, if you want to farm everything in Caverns of Time, that's the way to go, otherwise you would have to set your hearthstone nearby or something. I mean, if you are farming a mount or something in a dungeon, you could just back and it could take less than a minute, but I still prefer to AFK for a minute and come back later lol
