U.S., China and the Future of Global Trade

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MUMBAI, September 5, 2019 — Former Indian Foreign Secretary and Former Indian Ambassador to the U.S. and China Nirupama Rao, KPMG India Chairman and CEO Arun Kumar, DBS Bank Managing Director and Chief Economist Taimur Baig, and Bloomberg South Asia Managing Editor Arijit Ghosh discuss current trade relations between the U.S. and China, possible consequences for the global economy, and opportunities for South and Southeast Asia. This conversation formed the second edition of Asia Society India's Future of Asia series, 2019. (1 hr., 24 min.)
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This has been the most balanced discussions I've heard about China. All western forums I have listened to have been about China bashing, which says a lot about western mentality. Asians should have an Asian Pacific Forum consisting of Asian Countries much like the European union, Nato or the G7.


China has linguistic and discipline/purpose not influenced by elections. India has diversity language culture no discipline. Strength or weakness.


If India accept Chinese leadership and be loyal member in SCO, its a Asian led world for time to come. Eurasia will be the playground.
we can leave US alone in North America as Trump wants.


Once indians stops watching bollywood n tv series..stops playing cricket whole day..than onlyit will focus in self development in production of world class goods..


@2:36... TPP was not started by the US... TPP was started by Singapore, New Zealand, Chile and Brunei. These 4 countries started TPP... Other countries including the US join later.


No wonder why so many Indian CEOs in the US. Great thought great talk!


It is the Chinese Century. Least affected by Tariffs. One Belt One Road.


The trade war between the US and China is primarily about China replacing the US as the world's largest economy. The US is also concerned about their dollar being replaced as the world's reserved currency; however, the proliferation of sanctions on other countries is going to be their downfall because we are now seeing countries like Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, Venezuela etc trading between themselves and bypassing the US dollar using their own currencies as well as precious metals.

Given the fact that the dollar is not backed by anything other than petrol, because of the arrangement with OPEC, any bypassing of their dollar will reduce the demand for dollars which can only impact negatively on their currency. The US also is making more and more enemies for themselves which will also be detrimental to their situation.


What a marvellous panel and enlightening programme. South Asia needs to just work hard on making the lives of it's 1.6 billion people and they'll become prosperous and competitive


lol government not keen on heroin, thats a nice way of putting it


Excellent panel and discussion!
Honest account of history, accurate assessment of present situation. Hope india can find its niche and benefit from the 'trade war'. Yes agree that obsession over gdp and growth is wrong.


Very honest opinions by all the panellists. Pramatic and all have very up todate information snd knowledgeable..


great discussion, but that one guy with a 10 minutes question...


DBS guy right on spot unlike very few in India. China has lot of advantage by prolonging Trade War in term of technology they are inferior to non by extended trade war China is showing to the world look if a country like India and China develops they will take you over indirectly pointing towards India.Due to this investment and free trade from US and EU will slow down to India growth will stagnate to 6.5% gdp. Thats what china wants helping it to create more gap between India and China in terms of size of economy China can grow at 6% but not India due to population and job generation.


It sounds like they are about being pro-dictatorship. Thumbs down. I couldn't give a crap who makes the most as long as the economic power is fairly evenly distributed and the rules are uniform. But suppression of free expression is another matter. Whether China wants to export authoritarianism or not they directly benefit those who suppress free expression and hence support it.


The conflict is between the two systems. Democracy and Centrally controlled governments are not compatible. Hence the US must decouple.


CCP wants to circumvent the petrol dollar by further internationalizing rmb through offering a combination plan for LSE. If successful China will have 18 continuous trading hours in a day for rmb trading, offering IPO for state owned companies, have its hands on global retirement funds to include China stocks. After being rejected by LSE's major stock holders on the combination offer, CCP has decided to proceed on hostile acquisition. Their next target is ofc the New York Exchange.


One day china will bcm democracy and the US will bcm autocracy...thn this comment will have thousands of likes 😎

Dunno i will b alive to see it happen..


Trump wants to make his family great again.


This Chinese guy was sent by the Chinese Gov. hes not asking a question hes making a top down statement from China to India it looks..
hes talking as if China is an adult trying to educate baby India and being impressed by how good they are at telling story?? sounds pretty provocative to me..
id say Chinese are pretty good at telling cool stories too like this guy telling a story.
