Rust Tutorial Full Course

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Rust is the language of choice for those looking for high performance, memory safety and all the tools needed to write error free code with ease. In this tutorial I created a full course on programming with Rust. Time stamps below will allow you to quickly jump to what you are interested in.

MY UDEMY COURSES ARE 87.5% OFF TIL May 1st ($9.99)

#RustTutorial #Rust #RustProgramming
0:00 Intro
01:24 Create Project
02:43 TOML
03:45 Use / Libraries
04:30 Dependencies
06:00 Main
07:54 Mutable
09:28 Input
09:57 Expect
12:28 Variables
12:34 Constant
14:03 Shadowing
15:40 Data types
19:32 Math
23:03 Random
24:08 If
26:20 Ternary Operator
27:48 Match
32:39 Arrays
34:30 Loop
37:11 While
38:33 For
39:20 Tuples
41:27 Strings
50:25 Casting
51:52 Enums
55:55 Vectors
1:00:00 Functions
1:07:42 Generic
1:11:25 Ownership
1:20:09 HashMaps
1:24:50 Struct
1:27:54 Trait
1:34:14 Modules
1:45:36 Error Handling
1:47:14 File IO
1:48:11 Result
1:53:28 ErrorKind
1:55:40 Iterators
1:58:10 Closures
2:05:50 Smart Pointers
2:06:51 Box
2:15:03 Concurrency
2:17:10 Thread
2:25:26 Rc T
2:33:02 Installation
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MY UDEMY COURSES ARE 87.5% OFF TIL August 3rd ($9.99)


no ads and a full course, from a very well articulated teacher. we don't deserve you


I cannot thank you and commend you enough Derek! 10 years ago I was working full time in construction and part time in landscaping and as a janitor while going to college. I was barely making enough to afford my small room and food. I came across your videos and spent every spare minute I had watching you and practicing everything you did because I loved computers, writing code, and wanted a better life for myself and my eventual family.
Fast forward to today and thanks to you I am a full-time software and data engineer that also does BI consulting on the side. I have become successful enough to build a new home for my family, take care of my parents, and take care of my siblings. I haven't stopped learning (hence why I am here learning Rust!) and it's because you're a wonderful teacher that can take many complex topics and ideas and interpret them in a way that allows me and tens of thousands of others to learn and apply.

Also because of you, I do everything possible to give back and teach others as best I can.

Anyways, thanks for making this content and doing it without cost as you literally helped me to start a career and climb out of poverty. I owe you so much - thank you!


I've been meaning to learn rust. Now I have an easy entry to the language. Thanks! Love your videos.


Awesome! I used your old Rust video way back in the day when first learning Rust in 2019 and as of this month I've been a full-time Rust developer for a year so all's well that ends well. Going to let people know that you've got a new one!


Randomly stopping by to thank you again for your Java and C# videos from years back. You helped make programming 'click' for me


For new viewers, you can add new dependencies with “cargo add”.


I have been watching Professor Derek Banas since 2010.. And now being Rust Enthusiast and learner, I want to extend sincere gratitude to your sir,
Thank you for all what you do to teach us new things. <3


Small "error" (or better way existing): Position 2:28:03, chapter Rc T, "balance < 5.00" shall be "balance < amt", otherwise error when withdrawing e.g. 6.00


Putting the installation part at the end of the video is a really smart move. I wish other tutorials did that too


Dear Derek, I wish you all the best, Thank you for being with me for more than 8 years!

I started watching your when I joined university and had almost no programming skills. And now I'm leading yet another project but I still enjoy watching your tutorials videos!

With gratitude,


Bro I literally started learning rust this week. Perfect timing


I hecking love this tutorial! Derek, the pace for me personally is perfect!


Just the sheer level of information and knowledge you've put out Into the world is amazing. You're truly an exceptional human being.


Great rundown of Rust!!

In VSCode, Alt + Shift + up (or down) arrow key will copy a line (or highlighted lines). Then you can move the line(s) with alt + arrow keys


I originally expected this to be a tutorial upon the game Rust. Then I thought it was a comprehensive guide to rust, the stuff that's made from oxidizing iron. Now I'm aware that this is a 2.5 hour course on coding xD


Awesome Video Derek! You are always my No.1 source of picking up a new language. Once again spent a dozen hours digesting this video. I will keep upvoting and boost the youtube algorithm.


That's an outstanding tutorial. Would gladly pay for it or additional content about rust as a course in Udemy. As always, your work is exceptional!


Wonderful course. one suggestion: Use dim color for the hints that auto generated. it is little bit confusing whether you typed it or it is a vscode hint


Finally ....i feel that i personally owe you a big one for making this particular grateful for you sir ...
