Learn Rust Programming - Complete Course 🦀

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In this comprehensive Rust course for beginners, you will learn about the core concepts of the language and underlying mechanisms in theory.

✏️ Course developed by @zubiarfan

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
00:00:00 Introduction & Learning Resources
00:06:19 Variables
00:27:07 Numbers & Binary System
01:09:51 Chars, Bools & Unit Types
01:17:55 Statements & Expressions
01:24:50 Functions
01:32:53 Ownership
02:24:06 Borrowing
02:47:45 String vs. &str
03:17:59 Slices
03:31:35 Tuples
03:40:04 Structs
04:02:52 Enums
04:13:46 The "Option" Enum
04:21:32 Flow Control
04:44:43 Pattern Match
05:16:42 Methods & Associated Functions
05:31:50 Generics
06:06:32 Traits
06:47:15 Trait Objects
07:09:51 Associated Types
07:39:31 String
07:59:52 Vectors
08:29:00 HashMaps
08:52:45 Type Coercion
09:04:54 From & Into
09:36:03 panic!
09:44:56 Result
10:28:23 Cargo, Crates & Modules
11:08:28 Debug & Display
11:30:13 Lifetimes
12:14:46 Lifetime Elision
12:38:53 Closures
13:30:08 Iterators

12:53:20 Because of the `move` keyword the closure actually takes ownership of the `movable` variable, not an immutable reference. The reason we can call the closure twice is because the `movable` variable INSIDE the closure is the owner of the data. Meaning we can call the closure any number of times.

🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 davthecoder
👾 jedi-or-sith
👾 南宮千影
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 Nattira Maneerat
👾 Heather Wcislo
👾 Serhiy Kalinets
👾 Justin Hual
👾 Otis Morgan


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Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to teach Rust 🦀 on your awesome channel. Creating this course was a lot of fun and I hope it is useful.

I have to make one correction which is very important:

At 12:53:20 (Closures) because of the `move` keyword the closure actually takes ownership of the `movable` variable, not an immutable reference. The reason we can call the closure twice is because the `movable` variable INSIDE the closure is the owner of the data. Meaning we can call the closure any number of times. Sorry for this mistake.

Again thanks a lot and have fun!


wow, i'm incredulous a few days ago i have started learning rust and then this tutorial comes in handy


Just finished watching this. Really amazing tutorial. Got me to understand concepts I have heard about for years but not really understood so that was very satisfying. Struggled a bit with understanding generics. But other than that - A++! Thanks for this.


yyesss, i've been waiting for you to publish an updated rust tutorial for while. lots of vids on youtube but i trust that you choose the best instructors. learnt so much from your videos. thank you <3


Was learning using the Rust book, found it extra challenging wrapping my head around certain concepts, considering the fact that I've learned almost all my programming skills using freeCodeCamp materials, I'm very happy this has just been uploaded, I know this will be very resourceful. Thank you.


This is exactly what I'm looking for, Please create a new video for advanced concepts of rust, smart contract development with solana, embedded device programming etc. Thanks.


Thanks a lot for your time and for sharing your knowledge.
This course was an amazing introduction to the language.


I just want to say thank you so much for the great Rust course good Sir! I've came from PHP and Javascript and I've been playing with Rust for awhile and I can't even type a single line of code without the compiler screaming at my face how stupid I am 🤣🤣!! I've been reading the Rust book but I'm getting a hard time absorbing the details. this really helps a lot and make things clear specially on basic stuff like question mark, unwrap, Result, Option, reference and a lot of other things even complex one. Again, Thank you so much good sir!


rust is one of the best languages i've worked with


I love how a lot of this video was "Don't modify this code"... Then they modify the code anyway. Kidding. This was fantastic. I am 2 hours in, have a sore hand from notes... But we move!
3:00:00 - Sad to see the Byte string and utf8_slice skipped. Will have to look into these.
3:10:27 - Missing "Array" timestamp.


Finally I can learn Rust for free ☺️. Have been going through the rust lang book, but I like this practical way of learning, makes more sense.
This is by far the best rust study material I have seen, concise and to the point explanations with examples.


Just finished the whole course! I must say this course was excellent and I truly recommend it! Everything is so nice and clear and actually Arfan's way of teaching helped me to better understand some of C/C++ features also! Like vtables. Guess am a Rustacean now 🦀


10:25 the += notation is from way back from 1965 and was inspired by the arch of the PDP-8 / PDP-11 CPU

It is still in use today. Amazing


thanks @zubiarfan for a comprehensive and excellent rust program. looking forward to dive deep to rust


Thanks for the walkthrough! 3 hours in and I'm enjoying it!

Just an observation:
@2:58:00 - You don't need to make 's' in Ex. 5 'mut' since .replace() returns a new String instead of modifying s (which is why we can assign to s1).


Thank you for taking the time to make this for learners! I watched all 14 hours!


Just completed!
One of the best instructor!


Is this course approved by the Rust foundation????

All jokes aside, I’m glad this tutorial exists


Nobody will believe me when I'll be telling them that I've been taught the Rust programming language by Jesus. 🥺


@zubiarfan, Thank you for this amazing course. I'm only 1.5 hours into it, but it has already reinforced some concepts for me. I can't wait to go through the entire course (13+ hours!!), especially the move semantics and the borrow checker. Great job and I hope you keep posting more content for Rustaceans!!!
