Build an ENTIRE TODO Web Application with Java Spring Boot 3.0.0 in 62 min
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In this tutorial, we go through the process of building an ENTIRE TODO web application using the newly released Java Spring Boot 3.0.0!
This is a video aimed at beginners, but if it's been a while since you've seen
Spring Boot, then this might be up your alley as well!
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===---=== Concepts ===---===
- Spring Boot 3.0.0
- Thymeleaf
- Spring Web MVC
- H2 Database
===---=== Chapters ===---===
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:50 - Todo Application product tour and demo
00:04:21 - Opening project
00:06:21 - Configure application properties
00:10:02 - Initial Startup
00:12:14 - Creating the TodoItem Model
00:16:11 - Creating the TodoItem Repository
00:17:54 - Creating the TodoItem Service
00:21:14 - Creating the Home Controller
00:23:51 - Setting up the index View template
00:31:00 - Adding Bootstrap WebJars
00:35:18 - Adding a Todo Form Controller for Creating a Todo
00:42:03 - Handling POST data from the form
00:45:25 - Checking H2 Console
00:48:01 - Adding Edit and Delete support
01:02:05 - Overview
This is a video aimed at beginners, but if it's been a while since you've seen
Spring Boot, then this might be up your alley as well!
🔗 Grab My Other Available Product(s):
🔗Resources & Links mentioned in this video:
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===---=== Concepts ===---===
- Spring Boot 3.0.0
- Thymeleaf
- Spring Web MVC
- H2 Database
===---=== Chapters ===---===
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:50 - Todo Application product tour and demo
00:04:21 - Opening project
00:06:21 - Configure application properties
00:10:02 - Initial Startup
00:12:14 - Creating the TodoItem Model
00:16:11 - Creating the TodoItem Repository
00:17:54 - Creating the TodoItem Service
00:21:14 - Creating the Home Controller
00:23:51 - Setting up the index View template
00:31:00 - Adding Bootstrap WebJars
00:35:18 - Adding a Todo Form Controller for Creating a Todo
00:42:03 - Handling POST data from the form
00:45:25 - Checking H2 Console
00:48:01 - Adding Edit and Delete support
01:02:05 - Overview