Gardening for Beginners :: 💧All About DRIP IRRIGATION 💧 :: How I Water My Plants in Zone 9b

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“All gardeners live in beautiful places because they make them so…” -Joseph Joubert

Welcome to my garden! Today is Irrigation Day for my Gardening for Beginners Series! Today I will show you all about my drip irrigation system and take it down to the basics to hopefully help you understand how to use your system and expand it to fit all the new plants you will be putting in your garden this year! 😉 Enjoy!

#drip irrigation, #gardening for beginners, @Rachio , @RainBirdCorporation

————L I N K S————

———— V I D E O L I N K S ————

———— A D D R E S S ————

Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat
417 Mace Blvd Ste J # 238
Davis, CA 95618
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Janey, Thank you for explaining and demonstrating the purpose of your drip irrigation works. It is helpful to me because I am just starting to learn about gardening. My garden is a mixture of potted plants and established plants in the ground. I also live in Northern California and struggle to keep up with watering. Current set up: 1) No irrigation system in place 2) Water source = faucet 3) Hand watering and self watering pots 3) Considering: a) drip irrigation set up b) soaker hose set up. Planting bed size = ~ 3’ X 30’. Plants: consists of a mishmash of plants thrown together that don’t necessarily have the same growing needs. In ground: Calla Lilies, Bearded Irises, dwarf lemon tree, dwarf mandarin orange tree. Potted plants: Salvias, Pin Cushion flowers, Spider Ferns. Sun: Full, South facing.


This is a wonderful video! It helped me understand how drip irrigation works because I had no clue. I enjoyed the trip to the Home Depot as well. Thank you, Janey! 😊👍🏼


This is exactly the information I needed! Thank you so much for laying it out so easy to understand. Go Giants 🧡🖤


@9:14 I do the same thing when I'm editing my videos- I'm usually so busy trying not to trip over my words I'm paying attention to what I'm saying in the moment. Lol. & then I cringe when I hear myself making mistakes.


Great video ! And yes that is all very hard to understand 🤪🤪. I live on 5 acres so people always ask do you have a irrigation system ? And I say yes “ me” 😛😛. I do love to water though to me it is relaxing 😌. Have a great day 🥰🥰🥰


This is awesome! I won’t be as intimidated when I’m ready to begin!


Hi I like all your videos and you have a beautiful garden


Perfect, just the detail I needed to fill in some of my blanks. Thanks for doing the research that I've been too lazy to do myself!!


Great video 👍💕 Good keep it up 😊 dear 🥰


Hey Giants' girl. Nice water dripping system 😍✌🌺


We get an average of 70 inches of rain here in Southern Indiana, zone 6b, so those irrigation systems aren't found around here, as far as I know. It's always interesting to me though, seeing things that come standard basically, when houses are built in other areas! *Our local lowes and home depots don't even sell drip irrigation in store. They sell 1 little generic soaker hose kit, that covers about 2-4 small raised garden beds!?! I had to order everything online. .


Love love the hat. Great info. Thanks for sharing.


Waooo, it's such a beautiful sharing I really enjoyed thanks for sharing 👌


Another great beginner video! Two things - I love my Rachio system. If anyone is considering it, check with your county or city to see if there are rebates. We got a great discount on ours. Secondly, spend the extra money on a good tube hole punch (one that has a squeeze handle like a hose sprayer). They're not that much $$ and it'll save you time AND energy and you'll hate that chore a little less.


Very interesting and informative video for those of us who are new to this drip irrigation thing. Thanks so much!!!


I really enjoyed learning about irrigation systems. Thank you so much for sharing that!


So helpful! Was wondering how you watered your flower beds with so many flowers so learned something new. You inspired me to learn our irrigation system as I’ve always relied on hubby but realize I really need to learn it myself.


very helpful video...i used your video as guide and have been able to install drip irrigation successfully. you just sold me to buy Rachio lol...but my problem is that all my valves are not in the same location. My valve systems are installed in the front of house for front yard and in the back of the home for backyard...any idea how Rachio station wiring can be connected to valves in different locations. I dont think theres video on how you have Rachio wiring to valves..can that be wireless too, maybe i am aspiring a lot lol 😂


I love this video very informational new subscriber


Love my Rachio. I can turn the system off from work or turn it on as needed from anywhere!
