Discourse 11. The I AM Discourses. Ascended Master Saint Germain. Audiobook.

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"By the "I AM," the "Universal I AM," the Great One, I command this Power to act in all mankind.
I bring you Greetings from the Great Host and the Great Master Himalaya.
The Master Himalaya: This is the first time that the Presence of this Luminous Brother has been
brought to the knowledge of the outer world. It is He from whom the Himalayan Mountains receive their name. Thus, ever since these have been raised into prominence, have they been a Sacred, Unchanging Stream of Life—held unwaveringly. Hence those souls who came within their embrace were caught up and lifted into that Luminous Radiant Form—where They have long sent forth Their Rays of activity to heal and bless mankind.
Student must become firmly aware that he or she is the conscious controlling power in his life, in his world, and that he can fill it with any quality that is needed or that he may choose.
The students who have intermittent physical disturbance in the body should take the consciousness often: " 'I AM' the perfectly controlled breath of my body," and should, in connection with this, feel themselves, as often as they can, breathing in that rhythmic breath. This will bring about a certain balance of breathing which is immensely helpful in the control of the thought.
Sincere students should whenever possible avoid listening to things that are disturbing, for in doing this they often let in unknowingly, elements they do
not desire. Where they cannot with discretion avoid listening to things of this kind, they should use the following: " 'I AM' the Presence on guard here and
consume instantly everything that seeks to disturb."
Thus you will not only protect yourself, but help the other person as well. While the student should at no time fear anything, it certainly is necessary to keep up the conscious guard until he has attained sufficient Mastery to control his thought, feeling and receptivity".
The I AM Discourses by the Ascended Master Saint Germain. Discourse 9. Godfré Ray King.
Read by: Gerald Craig.
#ascendedmasters #spiritualbooks #saintgermain #audiobook #audiolibrary
#mantras #iampresence
I bring you Greetings from the Great Host and the Great Master Himalaya.
The Master Himalaya: This is the first time that the Presence of this Luminous Brother has been
brought to the knowledge of the outer world. It is He from whom the Himalayan Mountains receive their name. Thus, ever since these have been raised into prominence, have they been a Sacred, Unchanging Stream of Life—held unwaveringly. Hence those souls who came within their embrace were caught up and lifted into that Luminous Radiant Form—where They have long sent forth Their Rays of activity to heal and bless mankind.
Student must become firmly aware that he or she is the conscious controlling power in his life, in his world, and that he can fill it with any quality that is needed or that he may choose.
The students who have intermittent physical disturbance in the body should take the consciousness often: " 'I AM' the perfectly controlled breath of my body," and should, in connection with this, feel themselves, as often as they can, breathing in that rhythmic breath. This will bring about a certain balance of breathing which is immensely helpful in the control of the thought.
Sincere students should whenever possible avoid listening to things that are disturbing, for in doing this they often let in unknowingly, elements they do
not desire. Where they cannot with discretion avoid listening to things of this kind, they should use the following: " 'I AM' the Presence on guard here and
consume instantly everything that seeks to disturb."
Thus you will not only protect yourself, but help the other person as well. While the student should at no time fear anything, it certainly is necessary to keep up the conscious guard until he has attained sufficient Mastery to control his thought, feeling and receptivity".
The I AM Discourses by the Ascended Master Saint Germain. Discourse 9. Godfré Ray King.
Read by: Gerald Craig.
#ascendedmasters #spiritualbooks #saintgermain #audiobook #audiolibrary
#mantras #iampresence