[Global Insight] How Japan's Fukushima radioactive waste water threatens human rights

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- How Japan's Fukushima radioactive waste water threatens human rights
- 인권침해와 과학적 우려: 전세계 해양으로 오염수를 방출하려는 후쿠시마 원전의 계획

The plan announced by the Japanese government and TEPCO to release contamintaed water from the Fukushima Daiichi power plant into international seas has outraged many not only in Japan and in neighboring countires but also those around the globe. As the Japanese government shows no signs of withdrawing its plan, serious concerns from scientists and human rights experts have been voiced. How will our rights to a safe and healthy environment be violated by this plan, and what specific concerns are worrying scientists?

일본 정부와 도쿄전력이 발표한 후쿠시마 다이치 발전소의 오염수를 국제 해양으로 방출하겠다는 계획은 일본과 주변 국가들 뿐만 아니라 전 세계의 많은 사람들을 분노케 했다. 일본 정부가 계획을 철회할 기미가 보이지 않는 와중, 과학자들과 인권 전문가들의 심각한 우려가 표명되었다. 오염수 방류는 안전하고 건강한 환경에 대한 우리의 권리를 어떻게 침해 할 것이며, 과학자들은 어떤 우려를 가지고 있을까?

- Marcos A. Orellana, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Toxics and Human Rights

- Shaun Burnie, Senior Nuclear Specialist, Greenpeace

#Global_Insight #Japan #Fukushima

2021-04-28, 08:00 (KST)
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Has Japan exhausted all possible solutions? I doubt it. Dumping is the last resort only, not the preferred one.


Do you know Japan's 731st unit in World War II?
This time, Japan is testing people on Earth.


Dumping reactor core meltdown residue to the ocean is a serious environmental issue. It has long term impact on all lifeforms on planet earth, including human. The global community represented by UN must investigate and make the right decision. It is not up to a couple of selfish nations to choose for the entire human race.


Funny how this isn’t being reported much in the UK.... but if it was China or Russia front page headline.


You need to prove harm to prevent the release. The levels are low and your guest can not provide the anything but fear and speculation. Tritium in the enviroment has been around for years its harm is well known.


I think Japan is revenging to the world for their loss in WW2


Hello, Korean people. You should understand that the water came from Korean atomic plant is more harmful than the water before complaining the water Japan planning to dump to Pacific Ocean. Japan must follow the decision of IAEA (international authorizes association's). If the association refused Japanese proposal, Japan must give up to dump the water to the ocean. If the association accept Japanese proposal, Japan can do it properly. That's it.


Don't get it wrong folks. Comparing water and normal nuclear plant waste water is like comparing grape fruit to grape.
