Evil Races are Bad Game Design - Bioessentialism & Worldbuilding - Extra Credits

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There's been a spicy issue that's come up a few times in the tabletop roleplaying community over the last few years: how do we handle evil races? Are they a vital part of the fantasy genre, imported from Tolkein's works and therefore untouchable? Or should we reexamine the way that speculative fiction can sometimes just paint species and culture with the same broad brush? Well, we think that outside of any connection or implication of real-world situations, evil races are just... kind of bad and lazy game design.
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#ExtraCredits #GameDesign #IndieGames
Evil Races are Bad Game Design - Bioessentialism & Worldbuilding - Extra Credits
Evil Races, Game Design & Empathy - A Response to Extra Credits
''eViL rAcEs ArE bAd DeSigN''
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Videoantwort auf 'Evil Races are Bad Game Design' von Extra Credits
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No evil races are not Bad game design.
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