How Do I Care for Hydrangea Shrubs? : Gardening Tips

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Caring for hydrangeas shrubs requires that you pick a planting location with a lot of sun, among other things. Learn how to care for hydrangea shrubs with help from a professional gardener in this free video clip.

Expert: Barbara Pierson
Bio: Barbara Pierson, professional gardener, graduated from Cornell's School of Horticulture and has been the Nursery Manager at White Flower Farm since 1998.
Filmmaker: Alan Mack

Series Description: Gardening isn't just a great way to pass the time - it's a wonderful way to create something beautiful right on your own property, and even save a little money during trips to the supermarket. Find out about how to grow things in the garden with help from a professional gardener in this free video series.
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Best video on Hydrangea. Gee I should have watched it 10 years ago!


Thank you. I have watched at least 7 videos and you are the only one who discussed my concerns in a concise and comprehensible way.


very complete video, all inclusive from pruning to fertilization. Thats what what I was looking for. I couldn't remember the acid/base thing. Acid for Blue flowers and Magnesium for PINK flowers. The other thing I couldn't remember was the hi Phos. Thanks. Have a variety of 7 differt types, and I alternate with the the color some years, its really fun. I was just needing a reminder so thanks.


Thank you for sharing this wonderful video with us.your information is absolutely great 👍


I'm in Minnesota and so far mine wilt terribly in almost any sun at all. They are still in huge buckets, so I keep moving them to the shade and they perk back up.


This was an excellent video! Thank you so much.


I’d like to add that I live in the north, zone 5 and these plants still don’t like the late day sun in the middle/late of summer.


I love White Flower Farm. You say the like sun and yet so many say plant under trees. Mine live under Crab Apple trees and I have at least 12. My problem is the old stems show buds and then brown out... maybe from the temps. I live in Maine and I don’t get many blooms. My plants are carried Endless Summer, Niki Blue etc. Please help!


My hydrengea does’nt bloom anymore almost a Year. Why?


Mine die back to the ground and only new growth comes from the ground not old wood. I never get any blooms! It is a big leaf variety.


I have an endless summer but it doesn’t bloom. I leave the wood stems on and the new leaves come up in spring but no blooms . I’m in ky. Is there any hope?


My one little Hydrangea is pitiful, please give me some tips. I planted it three years ago in rich organic soil. I have never fertilized it every Spring nor did I water it on a regular bases. I know this sounds bad, but back home on the North Carolina farm I grow up on my grandpa nor mother ever watered them and they were always vibrant and blooming every Spring and throughout the summer. So naturally, I thought the beautiful plant that was given to me after my father's death would do just fine if I planted it in my hot arid front yard.

A couple of years ago as a brand new transfer it produced some bright green leaves and brown woody stem growth. I thought it would thrive on its own and grow to be big and strong like the ones I use to know, but I was wrong. Now it has a single 4 foot brown stem with pale green and brown leaves. Please tell me if there is anything I can do to revive and save this plant. It was in memory of my late father who cared a provided for me all my life, I can not let the plant die. Thank you for any tips you can give.


I would love to know how to trim them.


My deer love to eat the plant and I find it hard to get them to bloom before the animals get to them. What should I do? I have sprayed with a deer repellent, but how often should I spray without hurting the plant?


I've had my hydrangeas for over 5 years and in the past 2 years I did not have any blooms. I have 3 big beautiful green bushes and had only 3 mop heads last year and this year nothing so far. Its really frustrating me they are my favorite i used to cut them and bring them inside.


I believe by "pests" they/she mean that the hydrangea isn't prone to attack by insects.


Just moved to a home and didn't even recognize the plants on the side of the house - because they never bloomed.  i was informed that they were/are hydrangea - I love the flower..but not to thrilled with a non-blooming one. I didn't know about care and ...we had a frost.  They are BLACK STICKS...totally BLACK.  Are they gone for good?  Do I have to dig them up and plant new ones? 
Could this be why they didn't bloom?  Would it be better to start from scratch in the spring?


Can you tell me the secret so that my plant will bloom flower?


I'm new to Hydrangeas. I planted one in and I noticed that the leaves are curling and yellowing. What should I do about this? Thanks.


Should be pruned way down, those plants are way overgrown