Digital SAT Grammar Rules!

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In this video, I teach you ever single grammar rule you need to know for your upcoming test, explained in simple terms any student can understand...

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Hello, i dont know if you will ever see this but I wanted to thank you so much for this video coming from somone whose parents can’t afford to pay the cost for expensive SAT tutor lesson and resources. Ive started self studying and wanted to thank you so much from the bottom of my heart because this has really made me understand the reading session alot more!


Thank you for giving this explicit explanation. I got full marks for Grammar practice test. Thanks to you.


Michael, thank you for this. Truly from the deepest part of my soul, thank you.


So. Freaking. Helpful. You're a lifesaver! Love your personality and the way you explain things. I'm subscribed and sending my friends your way!!


I cannot thank you more for this video; it will help me tremendously. You're doing a great job helping us out there!


Thank you so much that I can take my Dec sat without a doubt, I had been confused before I watched the video


Thank you sir for this informative and engaging video. This will for sure help me on my practice test tomorrow.


Wow! One of the best channels I have ever seen❤❤❤. It makes me feel like I'm sitting inside a classroom ❤😮


Hi! Awesome video but quick question. At 50:18, I can see a world where "that all life's virtues derived from this absence." can be counted as a description of "the absence of pain in the body and of trouble in the soul" and thereby warrant the use of a colon.
It describes the absence as the 'thing to be explained' and where this philosopher derived all life's virtues.
Like your example earlier: I was baking chocolate chip cookies: my favorite kind of treat
The cookies are the 'thing to be explained' and are their favorite kind of treat.

Rather than an issue of "description" I think it's the fact that punctuation can't be used outside of "" and because it breaks the flow of the sentence.


thanks for the video man... was looking out for exactly this


You guys can try mentomind as well for practice test it has like more than 2000 practice tests


thank you so much sir. even though i thought i really know everything about grammar, i saw so many things in only this video and it helped me with tips. thank you :)


Thank you so much after watching to your videos, now I'm pretty sure that I will perform good in free live full length test on 10th and 11th August held by Mentomind. will soon inform you the result.


Really great video! I just had a few questions though. The first would be would you separate dates that had commas in them with semi-colons too, and also I noticed when I was taking a few digital SAT's and noticed that Dash's and colons too . Other than that this was a great review. Thank you!


It is the best video to cover all the basics but If you want to excel grammar section, I highly recommend you Erica Meltzer books 🙏.


love your videos! These videos really help me study topics that I can't understand myself. Do you have a website where I could find these documents?


hi! this was super helpful thanks ALOT. can you do one for math section too?


thank you so much for the video I was really struggling with grammar and this really cleared things up, but I recently encountered a question that didn't make sense( from Khan Academy):

The 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to three pioneers in the field of click chemistry: two- time Nobel Laureate Barry Sharpless, who coined the term “click chemistry” in 1998; Carolyn Bertozzi, founder of The Bertozzi Group at and Morten Meldal, a professor at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.

and the correct option for this was:
A) Standford;

I don't really understand this because why would there be a semicolon before "and" I thought that a semicolon was interchangeable with a period, so this sentence wouldn't be correct if there was a period there and then "And" right?


do u have a video on the transition word’s punctuation? like when to use .however, or, however.


Love the video, do you have some kind of course. that I could take 1 on 1 with ya?
