Kobo Aura ebook reader - Which? first look review

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Walk into any WH Smiths store and you're likely to see the Kobo ebook reader brand. The latest edition to this range is the Kobo Aura, a compact six-inch ebook reader available in black and pink. As with all Kobo ebook readers, it's compatible with the ePub book format which means that you can use a wide variety of books stores and even borrow books from your library (neither of which is possible on the Kindle range).

At £119.99 it's £20 cheaper than it's higher spec'd brother, the Kobo Aura HD. Does a cheaper price tag mean a poorer product?
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Essentially price and shape are the reasons that I prefer the Kindle. Plus I think it was faster and smoother when navigating and turning the pages. But we haven't done a side by side or lab comparison as yet, so that isn't scientifically proven, just my opinion!
