MERGING TABLES - 2 | Merging Two or More Data Sets or Tables in SAS | Merging of Data Sets

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This video not just guide you on How to Merge Two or More Data Sets in SAS Based on One Common Column but also helps you understand How You can do the Conditional Merging Like having all the observations only from table A and matching observation from table b and so on..

Topics covered in this video:
00:26 - Merging Data Sets in SAS
06:29 - Merge and Have All The Observations from Table A and Only the Matching Observations from Table B
08:43 - Merge and Have All The Observations from Table B and Only the Matching Observations from Table A
10:25 - Merge and Have Only Those Observations Which are Common in Both of These Tables
11:33 - Merge and Have All the Observations from All/Both of the Tables

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Greetings from San Diego, CA. Thank you for your videos!


This video does a beautiful job in explaining what the merge statement does. What I was looking for, however, was a detailed explanation of how SAS does it. In other words, how does the PDV change at each step of the merging process. Do you have any video that covers this specific topic? Thanks in advance.


Hi. Your videos are very informative. Please make video on merging three or more datasets in work library that are imported from multiple sheets of one excel file which all datasets in work library that your are going to merge have no common variables or common column...


Hi Learnerea

As always, fantastic contents and easy to comprehend

One thing, what if the common Variable is using different variable name ? for example "contactname" on table A and "name" on Table B?


Hii Bro Don't stop your videos with basic ones.Go ahead and pick some complex problems identify solutions and present over to us.All the best bro

And Explain datastep merge concepts when and where we have to use multiple variables in by statement.

And how datastep merging better or inferior than proc sql join?


Amazing, can i merge more than 2 tables? I need to get like 5 tables, they all have the same 'PRIMARY KEY'


Thank you so much for the wonderful video. I have one question. Supposing I want to merge Cust1 and Cust 2. In Table - Cust1, some observations have multiple transactions e.g. Ann has different 5 different transaction amounts. I want to link Cust1 (with duplicates) to information in cust2. How do I go about this? Thanks


Hi Sir when we merge two or more DS then for common variable SAS generate value 1, is it possible to see those value ?


Hi sir
Can you compare set and merging
Tht will be helpful
Thank you


If a=1 and b=0 what will be the output?


Great, now please make a tutorial on how to effortlessly just mute barking noises… cus i dont know what you did there but that dog just went silent all of a sudden
