StarCraft II Warchest Review

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Hey folks,

Today's a review of the StarCraft II Warchest. Hope you enjoy!

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I think warchest is a good thing, whatever helps Blizzard to make money and continue this beautiful game, I'm down with that. BUT skins should always make units more visible or at least equal to the original skin, never less. For example the viking-, immortal- and ultra skin looks super awesome, unique and badass. But skins that gives you an advantage and help you "hiding" your units or make it hard for your opponent to distinguish between units, is a NO-GO! Because that's far more than only a cosmetic change. Starcraft was and is all about fairness and balance, every player has the exact same starting conditions, every game, keeping this concept should always be blizzard's no.1 priority.


3:38 Wait, have you never played any of the campaigns?


Hey Brownbear I started watching you about 2 weeks ago and man was I happy I found you.
I found all your vids so fascinating. I never knew Starcraft had so much depth. All that to say keep up the good work :D


I was really disappointed when they first announced the War Chests, almost to the point of disgust in all honesty. But when I looked into it more, I actually started to like it and ended up supporting it. I'm not the type of person who spends money on microtransactions despite the fucking boatloads of games with the F2P model that I play, but I starved myself for a month to save up money to buy the full War Chest package (and the second one that came out recently). Despite me playing mostly Co-op (War Chest skins dont have any effect outside multiplayer PvP), I have no regrets. I'm against microtransactions, but I did it because I wanted to support the game and this is a practice that I can get behind. It is an honest system that shows you EXACTLY what you're gonna get and where your money goes towards.

Although, I will agree the ~30 day gap between each phases is retarded and is too long, it should be reduced to ~2 weeks at least.


Tbh, I agree with TB on this one. The warchest leveling stuff should be removed because it's dumb, or the time lock, which is dumber.
Regarding skins, I agree with you. But there's more. I like that they chose a theme to go by when designing skins, but one can't help but think they also did it because it's easier, faster and cheaper. I bought the complete warchest because I'm a sucker for these things, but most of the skins look like a shitty repaint of the original, and they also made they all look the same color-wise.
They can change 2 things: design and color. They chose to not change the design in pretty much all skins, and unified the color palette, which is insane, with disappointing quality and effort by them. The baneling fix is outrageous, because they could've done something other than making it look like the original. Just look for the stronger team colors mod.
But who cares? They certainly don't, especially feedback that doesn't generate mass hysteria. So fuck it.


25$ for all war chests.... War chest is the biggest scam in the history of video games. Blizzard no longer exists. Blizzard died when most of the original studio members left and then was bought out. I use to to be ok with Activision, but now I know they're UTTER TRASH.


Mark Rosewater described the "go big or go home" issue during his "20 Lessons of Magic" talk:

Lesson 11: If everyone likes your game, but no one loves it, it will fail
Lesson 16: Be more afraid of boring your players rather than challenging them


Wouldn't all this be solved by having the option to turn off enemy skins? This shouldn't be too impossible for Blizzard to implement.


Can you make a dawn of war video please?
