Interfacing IC-705 with PreppComm MMX

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Watched Erik Hill’s video and thought “oh this is gonna be easy”. Wrong!!

Got a couple of regular 3.5mm stereo to stereo jack plug leads and a splitter lead. Plugged splitter into 705 Spkr Out, then plugged the an amplified speaker into one of the splits.

Then I put one of the stereo leads between the splitter and the MMX Audio In.

The other stereo lead went between the MMX Key In and the 705 Key connector.

Switched on MMX in External Mode. Increased IC-705 side tone to 900 and tuned around for a strong CW signal. Once I found one, I tuned higher up by 400hz (400+900=1300).


I tried all sorts but there was NO decoding taking place at all. I tried it in SSB as per the manual and that got me nowhere either. I was beginning to think there was another fault 🙄

I switched off after another hour of trying, totally gutted. And then after meal time I tried again and managed to get a decode. Also managed to put out some CQ calls but got no answer.

I need to do some more experiments but right now it’s POURING with rain so me and my loop are stuck inside the caravan.

See what tomorrow brings 🤷‍♂️🙏😊

73, Tom, M7MCQ.
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As you can see, there was an IOTA Contest going on.
