Misapplications of Science in Bodybuilding

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For all you evil scientists and pubmed ninjas out there...
Science should guide the broad strokes, but after that, individual response reigns supreme (Helms, 2013).
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This video is excellent! It takes a smart man to recognize nuances and fallibility, even in empirical data. Eric Helms has exactly the type of attitude all experts should have in this industry. Pursing truth rather than the effect of overly clear cut assertions.


Going well, and yes I will be! Publishing a paper is like having a baby (not that I'd know) goes through so many personal, in house and then peer review revisions, might get rejected and be revised and submitted to another journal, so by the time it comes out it's such a relief and a feeling of accomplishment. I'm sure I'll shamelessly link it on all my networks each time I publish lol


Might be the best YouTube fitness video I've seen to this date. Thanks for the information.


Norton LE, Wilson GJ, Layman DK, Moulton CJ, Garlick PJ. Leucine content of dietary proteins is a determinant of postprandial skeletal muscle protein synthesis in adult rats. Nutr & Metab. 2012 9:67

that one you can find on pub med if you just plug that into google, you can see the different protein sources used, and the different meal compositions


"plugging his comment" haha - just as either Frank or Harry said (bb bros) Helms always puts out excellent content. Just showin' some support homie.


That's because the only studies you guys have heard about on protein research that involve amino acid tracers are Layne's :)
However there have been MANY studies using this technique. I am not specifically talking about Layne's research. Much of his research was done over an extended period, and measured muscle mass, just in rats. I think that's a great place to start, next step is people.
I more-so take issue with studies on humans that last 4-12 hours that are used to dictate chronic intake.


Great video Eric...very high quality. Between group studies are merely 1 type of controlled research and they clearly do have their strengths and limitations...especially when refering down to the individual case level. Single case research designs can also demonstrate experimental control and are just as "scientific" as the between group studies. The strengths and limitations are just different.

The more we know, they more we are humbled by how much we don't know and may never know.


Notice I said when you have other variables controlled and you can isolate the one variable AND you have tried it a few times through


Eric Helms & Alan Aragon. Probably the 2 people I respect most in the fitness industry. Down to earth, nice guys who have vast & in-depth knowledge while understanding practical applications.


Great Video! I almost felt bad when I wanted to get away from telling people the science behind different fitness protocols, This was exactly why. In my gut I knew that we should use all this a guide, but ultimately see what's happening hen we apply it. Just like when it comes to caloric intake/macros eventually you have to just pay attention to what YOUR body does when given x number of calories.


I like these videos before I even watch them lol they are guaranteed gems with Eric!


Norton LE, Layman DK, Bunpo P, Anthony TG, Brana DV, Garlick PJ.The leucine content of a complete meal directs peak activation but not duration of skeletal muscle protein synthesis and Mammalian target of rapamycin signaling in rats. J Nutr. 2009 Jun;139(6):1103-9.

Moulton CJ, Norton LE, Wilson GJ, Layman DK. Long-term consumption of leucine-rich meals is associated with mitochondrial changes in skeletal muscle of rats FASEB J March 17, 2011 25:774.15


As usual another solid video. Thanks for sharing this Eric.


Thank you for making this! Truly a great video Eric


That was a brilliant video, Eric. I liked how you defined the parameters and gave a balanced opinion. And all while ranting ;) People, whether they wish to read pubmed or not, should threat their own training like a well controlled experiment and critically analyse information while applying it systemically to determine what does and does not work for them.


Thanks for sharing your point of view on this topic Eric.!


Great video Eric, you guys at 3DMJ cover some great topics! Keep it up, thanks!


Guys let me make this 100% clear. This video is not an attack implied or otherwise on anyone. Not Ian McCarthy, not Layne Norton, not anyone else. This is a discussion of appropriately interpreting scientific research in our field. If it's an attack on anything it's traditional statistics.
If I had an issue with someone, I would not make a video about it and abuse my position as someone with a modest following. I would contact them and discuss it with them in a rationale and respectful manner.


Great video Eric, always interested to hear your thoughts on the science end of things.


Probably in 2014-2016, not sure of the feasibility while doing my PhD, plus I really need to overhaul my physique for the pro ranks, and there aren't pro shows in NZ, so it would mean A) balancing it with my grad studies B) Getting hyuger and C) Going overseas, probably Aussie, so basically it's not at the top of my list right now

Not a huge expert with hernias, but I would see a sport physio who works with power athletes and discuss, worst case scenario you may be restricted from going heavy