Square-Enix is in full panic mode

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This isn't anything like pokemon coming to steam.
As far as I know sony doesn't have any ownership of final fantasy or square


Well it's nothing like Pokémon being on steam...Final Fantasy X-XIV were on multiple consoles/pc...all Kingdom Hearts games are now available across all platforms...


I've been a huge square enix fan since I was a kid. The moment FF became exclusive to PlayStation I had to stop playing because I just couldn't afford a PS5. In my country the PS5 is still ridiculously expensive.


It's about time for a gaming recession. I genuinely, and truly feel for all of the game developers, and the employee's because these issues are NOT their fault, they were always just doing the they love(d).

But a recession is probably the only way we are going to see games stop rising in price. I stopped buying new games after I saw a $100 price tag breach existence for a game. And as long as the system continues to be based on increasing profits every year, and isn't given a reality check for sustainability, it's only going to keep going. And a recession will also in the short term see a drastic price leap, but rather than keep going, it will instead crash back down to normalized prices out of necessity to meet sales.

So yeah I'm excited for this game recession, let this jankily stacked jenga pile of uninspired greed fall to the ground. People will recover.

And really, I own over several hundred games they CANT take away from me. And if they aren't stopped all new games will not only be expensive, but deletable without your consent due to fine print in online services, and game platforms. And if I never have to buy another game, I have enough to keep me entertained until I die, and happy too. I'll buy a game again the day the prices go back to a max of $50-$60 at their most expensive. Nah till then.


Turn based FF17 please. Like Persona, BG3 would be really cool, or the upcoming Expedition 33.


So, exclusivity isn't enough and ya'll forget that limited sales on PS5 isn't profitable when compared to the budget spent on their titles.


The Pokemon comparison doesn’t really work because Nintendo is one of the owners of the Pokemon Company. A better comparison would be when Atlus decided to finally embrace multiplatform releases, which has been nothing but a good thing for them. This will benefit both Square and the customer. I’m not against exclusives, but 3rd parties should stay multiplatform if at all possible. Nintendo will benefit Square quite a bit, as they have captured the Japanese market in a way that Sony has really failed to do recently.


It's not the 2000s anymore. Pursuing third party timed exclusivity deals doesn't work. It's always better to make money from more game sales than it is to make the same amount of money from an exclusivity payout as you want to grow mindshare as much as possible.


This is a win more people get to play the games


What a terrible analogy. Most Final Fantasy games are already multiplatform. This isn't shocking and it's not doom and gloom.


This is not that special kingdom hearts 3 came out on all systems.
Square enix knows they fcked up with all the d.i.e. crap and now wants to sell on all systems because they know there sales are down.
The whole gaming industry is going to fall in a recesion.
Lets just hope the ultra switchbox (uswb) is going to sell good.


Finally ill play the FF 16 and 7 remakes in Xbox!, maybe... They announced Octopath 2 on Xbox like 6 months ago and it hasnt been released wtf


Nintendo is unlikely unless Nintendo’s next console has any amount of power behind it.


What song is this, I know it but can't remember and it's killing me


Yeah square Enix thought maybe are holding our games to one platform doesn’t make a much money
