Tears In Heaven - Eric Clapton (Boyce Avenue acoustic cover) on Spotify & Apple

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Boyce Avenue:

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Alejandro Manzano of Boyce Avenue performing "Tears In Heaven" by Eric Clapton
#BoyceAvenue #TearsInHeaven #EricClapton

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Audio & Video Produced by Boyce Avenue
Engineered, Mixed & Mastered by Adam Barber
Video by Durango Films & 3 Peace Productions
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USA tour in August 2024! 🇺🇸 Get your tickets at www.boyceavenue.com/tour


My dear mom went to be with Jesus December 19th 2020. Mom, this was one of your favorite songs. I can't wait to hold your hand in heaven. <3


I lost my husband in an accident almost a month ago, so this song hits my heart pretty hard right now. He introduced me to Boyce Avenue over 2 years ago, and I have been a fan ever since. We played 2 of their songs at our wedding (one for the walk down the aisle, the other was our first dance). And this cover is great. Keep up the great work, guys.


“Would you know my name, if I saw you in heaven?”

That lyrics absolutely crushes me, knowing the unbelievable context of the song.


I lost my dad a year ago today to cancer and my sister Feb 2nd 2010 also to cancer. The other night I was singing along to this song and when I closed my eyes as I sang it I could see my dad and my sister holding hands coming to the bottom of this beautiful stair case made of marble and gold railings. It was like they came down from the stairs of heaven to let me know they are okay and happy. This song has come to have soo much meaning to me after that happened.


Boyce avenue is like the batman of youtube musicians .. he is simple, doesnt try too hard, but is bttr than everyone


Would you know my name
If I saw you in Heaven?
Would it be the same
If I saw you in Heaven?
I must be strong
And carry on
'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in Heaven

Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in Heaven?
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in Heaven?
I'll find my way
Through night and day
'Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in Heaven

Time can bring you down
Time can bend your knees
Time can break your heart
Have you begging please
Begging please

Beyond the door
There's peace, I'm sure
And I know there'll be no more
Tears in Heaven

Would you know my name
If I saw you in Heaven?
Would you be the same
If I saw you in Heaven?
I must be strong
And carry on
'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in Heaven

'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in Heaven


As a grown man I must say this cover brought me to tears.


My cousin just lost her dad. I sent this to her. Boyce Avenue - your music has saved me and my cousin many times. I will be eternally grateful 🦋 Also, she bought us tickets to see you in Houston a few years ago and I wasn’t able to get there (I’m in Dallas, 3 kids and it was a week day) BUT we WILL make it to see you eventually. Thank you for your music 💖


I lost my MOM Jan.19, 2015 we buried her Jan.26, 2015 i just happen to listen to this song a week before we lost her, and when we lost my mom this was the first song i thought of sang by yall. Absolutely beautiful i don't care if the guitar is tuned down half a step. I hope when i go into my next transition in life and received in heaven and i see my mom i hope she knows my name and holds my hand and helps me stay. I LOVE YOU MOM AND I HOPE WHEN MY TIME COMES I SEE U AGAIN AND WE ARE


I just lost my beloved wife and i listen and watch this video to make me feel better. thanks brother.


Its my boyfriend 1st death anniversary today, and whats hurts the most? We are supposed celebrating valentines day tomorrow but I know it wouldn’t happen anymore. I miss him, I missed him so much! I just realised that pain is always there, you just have to learn how to live and survive with that pain. Time flies so fast. But I think hurt still remained. 🥺 Please babe, if we can see ourselves in heaven don’t forget my name 😔 I love you and I miss you sooo muchh! 😭

You’ll always be remembered, always 💔

February 13, 2020.


My newborn son just died 16hours after i give birth.. This is my song for him.. I love you so much my son


God, any version of this song always gets to me, but the sheer melancholy and world-weariness in his voice is breathtaking. I had to actually stop what I was doing and just listen.


Reminds me of my son Devin.
He died at ten days old. May he rest on peace. Daddy love you bunches son. I'll see you again.


de repente descobri Boyce Avenue e não consigo parar de escutar vocês, estou amando, me conquistaram de primeira, parabéns.


When I started driving, mom would take me to the cenetery where my dad was to practice. (He died suddenly, 9 days before i turned 3). The first few times we did this, this song started as soon as we got near dads grave. We took it as him letting us know he was with us. Then over the years when I'd b really down or worried, I'd hear this and know he was saying its gonna be OK. This is a precious song to me. Your rendition is the most emotional, touching, Beautiful one I've ever heard. I prefer yours even to Eric Clayton's <3


if i wasnt in the hospital i would be so honored to see u next week here in boston, made me cry watching this man


mom would you know my name if I saw you in heaven??I missed my mom she died at 44 years old...I love you mom...you are the best women/mom in the whole world mom thanks for giving my birth.


Yesterday, I saw a video about how this song was wrote by Eric Clapton, he made it with his broken heart for his Son. Now, while I'm listening this song my heart is heavy and burstimg into tears. 😭
