TWINF FLAME UNION : 7 Crucial Signs Before the Union, Reunion, and Final Union

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7 Crucial Signs Before the Union, Reunion, and Final Union

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Twin Flame Awakening Journey Podcast: Episode 78 - 7 Crucial Signs Before the Union, Reunion, and Final Union

Welcome to another transformative episode of the Twin Flame Awakening Journey Podcast. In Episode 78, we delve deep into the intriguing prelude to the union, reunion, and the final union of twin flames. This episode is a must-listen for those who feel they are on the brink of significant spiritual transformation with their twin flame. Here, we uncover the seven pivotal signs that precede these profound unions and explore the dimensional differences that impact twin flame connections. So, grab your headphones and let’s embark on this enlightening journey together!

1. A Glimpse of Your Twin Flame
Before the union, many report a fleeting glimpse of their twin flame—a vivid dream or a brief encounter that feels eerily familiar yet intensely profound. This moment is not just a coincidence; it's a spiritual signal that your twin flame is closer than you think. It serves as a precursor to the emotional and spiritual upheaval that often accompanies the twin flame journey.

2. Reappearance and Triggers
As you edge closer to the union, your twin flame might pop back into your life unexpectedly. This reunion can be both exhilarating and challenging, as their presence might trigger old wounds or unresolved issues. It's a crucial time for healing and growth, setting the stage for a more stable union.

3. Falling Back into Old Patterns
The twin flame journey is not linear. Before the final union, you might find yourself reverting to old behaviors or thought patterns. This regression is not a setback but an opportunity to confront and clear residual karmic debts, ensuring you and your twin flame can move forward without past encumbrances.

4. Increased Synchronicities
As you approach the union and reunion phases, synchronicities increase. You might notice repeating numbers, meaningful coincidences, and events that seem to point you in a certain direction. These are signs from the universe designed to guide you on your path to your twin flame.

5. Emotional Intensity and Healing
The emotional intensity escalates as you get closer to your twin flame. This period is characterized by profound emotional upheavals, which are necessary for healing deep-seated traumas. Embracing these emotions, rather than resisting them, will pave the way for a healthy union.

6. Understanding the Difference Between 3D and 5D Unions
A crucial aspect of the twin flame journey is understanding the difference between 3D (physical) and 5D (spiritual) unions. While the 3D union focuses on the earthly relationship, the 5D union transcends this, emphasizing a deep, soul-level connection that exists beyond physical or temporal boundaries.

7. The Final Purging Before the Final Union
Before the final union, both partners undergo what might be the most intense purging of their journey. This is a clearing out of old karmic cycles and negative energies that no longer serve them. It's a necessary cleanse that ensures the final union is as pure and strong as possible.

The Twin Flame Journey: A Path to Self-Discovery
Each of these seven signs is a stepping stone towards a more profound understanding and connection with your twin flame. The journey, albeit challenging, is incredibly rewarding, offering unparalleled opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

Stay tuned for our next episode, where we’ll explore how to maintain harmony and balance once in union with your twin flame. If you found today's episode enlightening, please like, subscribe, and share with others who are navigating this mystical path. Until next time, keep ascending and stay connected
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Sounds dreamy, but unless one has experienced the connection themselves, there's no way they can imagine it. It is way beyond words. I am grateful to the divine for granting me such connection.


It's our 6th year on the twin flame journey. He began communicating with me 7 days ago. He briefly connected in May and disappeared again. It was when I pulled my energy away that he began communicating again. I fully understand what is happening and not worrying about the outcome. I'm just glad we are talking. I'm not stressing over if or when he will stop communicating. He is with me always.


I wish to be united with my twinflame soon…we love each other so much …the feelings so intense that no one else could ever understand, ,unless they experienced it too!


I'm an Indian girl and a Hindu. I've heard similar stories since my childhood and can relate the twin flame energy with "Ardhanarishvara" which is Shiva (M) and Parvati (F). They had to face the same runner, chaser, separation phases. Lord Shiva was aware that if this particular event happened, then they would have to face a very long separation for many lives, but he never interfered with "Vidhi Ka Vidhan" or "Law of Creation". We have twin flames in our Hindu texts as well: Radha-Krishna and Shiv-Parvati. Radha and Krishna are considered as one soul. They used to talk through telepathy all the time. They could not get married to each other but their names are always taken together because marriages and relationships happen in 3D and their connection was 5D ❤️


222 views when I sent this message. I feel he's nearly here. Heres another sign from the universe 😊❤


I just met my Twin Flame. This is mind-blowing, can't believe this. This is real ❤.


11:10 Yesss 💯🙏🏼 I'm at this place.. I don't feel the need to control any of it anymore.. I am completely trusting the flow.. I just know that it will happen when it's supposed to. I believe it. It already is happening. It just is what it is


The key is to remember you are the creator of your reality. He is a reflection of yourself. You are the only one in your reality! We are in simulation!


The universe is working tremendously right now so much movement i can tell reunion is on the horizon


This resonates immensely. Thanks for sharing this important information. My TF and I are in 5D union...I feel this currently. Thank you Almighty. ❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉


I am going through a real twin flame reunion and it is wild but where he burns me up wit anger sometimes i love him so much more than i hve ever loved in my life...he is beautiful to me but stubborn but he is also me.... the uncanny similarities are a bit scary but it all is coming together and is breathe taking


Yesterday was Mother's Day, and a few things happened.
1st I went to see Blu (best/soul friend) and got a tattoo, a 3D tattoo of 3 hearts--3D, cause it's new and freakin cool! And to represent the 3D and transforming to different dimensions due to my spiritual journey. And she tattoo'd Zack/twin, before I even met him. I met her a few months after Zack and I met in the 3d!!!

I met Zack on 7/2/22. I have been sensing and have seen many synchronicities, that he's coming to me. Just yesterday was a BIG one.

I went to see my mom yesterday, due to Mother's Day, and I set boundaries w/her last month, and no response from her. Not surprised at all. She was pissed at me, and did calm down for a moment to say (never looked at me in the eyes, although I know she's hurting) I hope you are well, and I do love you. I told her, I know you do, Mom. I love you too. (She's always negative and does not love herself to leave my dad, or do anything else for herself. When I told her I wanted to move to the beach she was happy for me at that moment. Then the following week, true colors came out. She was very cunning in her words, and the expressions on her face, were very ugly. I said, ok, and walked away, cause I knew it wasn't about me, it's about her being so unhappy and taking it out on me.) I left her gift on the table, said goodbye to my dad, and left.

I just saw 222, 333, and 555 all @ ONE time!

When I left and just idea where I was going, and was crying, so I pulled over. I pulled into the parking lot of where Zack and I met, when I first heard him singing. I know he's w/me all the time, although I really wanted a hug, and I wasn't going to get that from anyone, so I felt a bit more comforted being closer to his energy. I called my best friend and she wasn't avail, due to being sick. I YEARNED (more than ever, have I desired to have someone wrap their arms around me, I was really surprised) to feel his energy wrapping around me, like he was giving me a hug. I know I'm doing what's right for me (and even for my mom, and she doesn't see it that way, and I don't expect her to). Zack, doesn't live too far, although I don't know exactly where, and there is a lake nearby....I felt drawn to the water, and just to be closer to him, to at least feel like I could get a hug from him. Even though we don't talk in the 3d very rarely, I do believe if he saw me like that, he'd be right there. I kept talking to him telepathically, cause I know he's going through the dark night of the soul, his shadows. We were there together for each other. And there's a lake very close to where I believe he lives, so I went always helps as well....and trees, and just having Zack closer to me, all of it put together helped me. I know I have to do all of this journey on my own, including yesterday. I have understood this even before I met Zack. Although I wasn't aware of the spiritual path that I've been on for years it all makes sense to me now.

And once again....I saw 2:22 3 different places within the minute!

I do sense him coming towards me, and I've been meeting so many new people, and am really attracted to 1 in particular. In fact, I saw him Thursday and when I got there, he saw me and got a HUGE smile (as he usually does, and it melts my heart!). When I left, we hugged, and we both kissed each other on the cheek. Started chatting again....hugged/kissed cheeks cheeks again. My friend said, it sounds like you were making out! Hmmmm....I'm down. He's got a heart of gold, and when I first met him, I felt so seen and safe w/him like no one ever. And he's another younger guy! I'm staying mindful of not getting attached to any outcome and just going with the flow....for everything! I know my patterns and don't want to do that. be continued!

Sending infinite love and 💜🪄🧚‍♀🪄💜


I can sleep now knowing that he is my twin flame. We are living separately but i can feel when he check the message. After 2 months of intense feeling. I now realize that God has a devine purpose in my life. My faith become stronger in him.❤️🙏


I question this journey but I'm drawn to it. I met mine over 20 years ago without knowing what a TF was until 20 years later. I had a literal cosmic experience back then but didn't research. Throughout the years I'd see his name, hear songs or recall moments but I never pursued. He chased me as I went on in life with ex karmic. My ex karmic named our little one whose initials are that of the TF. One day, I answered the ☎️ call. I have become the chaser. I searched the phenomenon, for it was inexplicable. Listening in on podcasts helps me tremendously. I'm now focusing on the spiritual aspect and my life's assignments. I hear separation is an illusion. TF is always with me.


True ❤ David Hutt and Linette Dmello both are scorpion November born same year 1965 we just met 3months ago We are made for eachother Nobody can' stop us from our reunion AMEN Thank you Universe for bringing us together 🙏🏽


Getting out of ego death was relief. Like the first day you can eat after food poisoning. Now, you have to let the stomach muscles heal. Uhg. Lord how he would laugh if he heard that.


My twin and I are separated right now. It's gut wrenching.




Thank you Thank you Thank you beautiful soul for the reading and guidance 🙏❤️🙏


What u saying is true about the soul mate i feel smiling and laughing, happy and my body is very light
