How to Build a Movie Set

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I spent 20 years as a "propmaker" (set carpenter) and worked on over 70 projects until I retired 12 years ago. Loved it while I was doing it, but glad I'm over it now!


You were talking about all the architectural additions to keep everything from looking so flat, I remembered a while back I was watching the 80’s sitcom The Golden Girls. While watching it, I couldn’t figure out at first why the inside of their front door looked so weird, but then realized it was because there’s no trim around it. It’s literally just a door covering a hole in a plain, flat wall. If they put trim around the door and maybe a light switch next to the door it would probably look more realistic.


I'm sick today. I'm really feeling awful. This was so soothing to watch. Thank you so much. Sometimes I dream about working on a set. It seems fun but also very stressful. I wanna be the guy that gives people cool water, soda, and juice. Waterboy! lol


I've been a stage scenic carpenter for over 35 years. In flat construction, the term "toggle" is correct. However, The terms used fo the top, bottom and side boards were not exactly what is more commonly used. The top and bottom horizontal boards are known as "rails". The vertical side boards are known as "styles". In general this a good video and I very much enjoyed it.


Toured the set of “Sleepless in Seattle” at Naval Activity Sand Point, Seattle while in production. I was stationed there and just walked in and looked around. Fella there gave me a amazing tour


I was a set designer in LA for many, many years. I retired 7 years ago. Good thing I did because they really don't build "sets" much anymore as they have become so expensive. Most things are shot with actors in mocap suits in front of green screens nowadays. Sad, but time marches on.


This video is amazing, learned a lot a few things i didnt know or remember. I worked on a Show Season 5 and 6 at CNE in Toronto for IATSE as a rookie permit Carpenter. The members are so amazing and how fast and well these go up and the Pride. Working with Covid protocols isnt easy but required. Hats off to the Grips/Paint/Construction Dept's and the Carpenters that are cool enough to show you the tricks.


When it comes to making a movie one thing that comes in handy is IMAGINATION.


Wow, thats amazing who would ever have thought how this was done


Instead of using plaster for the seams we use bondo it's easier to shape and there is less of unevenness


Stranger Things uses the same music as you do in your intro. Haha. But you were earlier.


Any advice on how to go about breaking into set building work as a skilled journeyman carpenter with a passion for movies?


If this is the case, I'd love to recreate the corridor set of the Enterprise-D from Star Trek: TNG.


There's a lot involved when making a movie! For the young and old whipper snappers there's so many fascinating careers in the movie industry to say the least. Without the hardworking behind the scenes guys movies wouldn't exist!!!


Do they store the walls and use them in different. Movies and is walls with plumbing and commercial restaurant equipment a permanent installation that temporary wall are put up for the shooting


Do they wire the walls and have plug and receptacle on the back of each section so appliance lights can be used in the movie having some length of cord on each so they can be powered from either end depending on the need for each movie


We use cardboard and foam to make sets.  Works well when not in a sound stage.


If i had money i would have buyed your all courses and studied it anyway your free to watch videos are also fantastic and i got so much to learn now i know almost all related to film making and can master it in coming days ❤️


How do you get the cross members to line up? Do you do half-lap joints for the cross pieces?


We need to install a cyc set (45' total length, 11.5' tall with one 90 degree bend in the middle with about 1->2 inch elevated flooring).
We currently use 12-foot wide seamless and muslin for our grays and green-screen respectively, but we need more than what they provide in terms of size and utility.
Is there any material that does not require painting after every shoot or couple of shoots?
If not, someone needs to find or create it, as the currently available alternatives are a productivity and health nightmare.

Our issue is that all the materials we have come across all require frequent, ongoing repainting. The problem with that is that paint off-gassing during painting and for a few days after drying is toxic to various degrees (even the ones that we were told weren't turned out to be toxic upon deeper research). So, while it may not be problematic to have occasional exposure to low VOC or related paints, such as once every several years when you have to repaint your home (and hopefully can be out of the house until it dries, with any luck), research is showing that frequent exposure correlates highly with brain, blood and liver cancer and is generally not healthy, even in the short term, as it elevates liver enzymes and causes inflammatory response.
Any recommendations or ideas?
Thanks to anyone who can help.
