Blackbird - The Beatles (Acoustic Cover by Chase Eagleson)

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“Blackbird” by The Beatles (Acoustic Cover by Chase Eagleson)

My acoustic arrangement of "Blackbird" by The Beatles!

Chase Eagleson Playlists:

About Chase Eagleson:
Chase Eagleson is best known for his work on his YouTube channel covering popular songs in an acoustic style and performing original music. Many of these videos also feature his sister and fellow musician, Sierra Eagleson. Chase took formal guitar and drum lessons in his early teens for a couple years, but eventually continued self-teaching new instruments, singing and music production. Chase Eagleson produces most of his content, from official music releases to his YouTube videos, from his home studio he has built over the years. Make sure to subscribe above to stay up to date on new releases!

#thebeatles #AcousticCover #ChaseEagleson
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Just gonna leave this here in case you want to follow me elsewhere! I appreciate you all.


I have loved The Beatles since they came out. I was just 13 yrs. Am now 69. Paul McCartney was my favorite. This song has always touched me. Your rendition is beautifully inspiring. Thank you. Sir Paul would be proud.


Can we take a moment to appreciate the whistling bird sounds? 🐦 😗


The detail of the bird's whistle gives a very special touch to the song, very good work, emotional and beautiful 🐦


This brings me back to when my grandma was alive. When I was little she'd play this on piano and try to get me to sing this with her. But I was too little to actually make out words so I hummed it along with her . Those were the days, and you sir, have made a grown man cry in nostalgia lol. Much love, absolutely stunning cover. Perfection, but always room to grow ♥️



Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free

Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of a dark black night

Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of a dark black night

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise


When a very close friend of mine went through a difficult breakup, I left a note for her along with a candle and wanted to leave something encouraging to bring her hopes up. Knowing she always loves cheesy inspirational quotes, I ended up just writing “Take these broken wings and learn to fly” and now this song brings new meaning to us. Very beautiful arrangement!


There were blackbirds outside my window for the past few days, and I caught myself singing this song. I love Chase' version and even try to whistle like him. ⚘️


It's like listening to something stuck out of time, or capturing a beautiful piece of time and tasting it to it's full glory.


I'm simple person, i see Beatles, i click. Great job! Hugs from Brazil


My favorite song, and this version has me speechless. Thank you Chase for bringing light to my soul


Bro you don't even need me to compliment on your music to know your awesome. But if I can say anything that has value at truly know how to tap into the music. You appreciate music for what it is and you let yourself be free while you play...don't ever lose that. That's what makes God bless you sir and have a good day and thank you for providing positive things into the world. Also, the gal you did some other covers with sings well too and I think your guy's voice sound great together. I'd love to see more


you know when you're feeling blue and you need something to talk to your soul and say everything is gonna be okay? well... thank you


this is probably the best cover i've ever heard of blackbird


Used to listen to this during covid!! Feels so nostalgic for somme weird reason. Most beautiful cover on the internet.


Man, you change everything. It’s so amazing! You make these songs your own. Love your work! 👏👏👏🇨🇴🇵🇭🇺🇸😎🎸


This just made me cry a lot. It reminds me of my cat who died in 2018. She came to me me when I was 4 years old, and she was my partner for 13 beatiful years. Thanks for this, your voice is amazing. Please keep on doing this stuff.


I found your channel when I had my second baby, I remember carrying him around our home rocking him to sleep to your “ Can’t help falling in love” cover 🥰 he’s now 4 and we still listen to your music before bedtime. It calms the whole family down and I think I must say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for those peaceful nights we had and will continue to enjoy for years to come ! With lots of love from Vietnam ! 🥰


I love your version of one of my favourite songs. I watch this regularly and was just admiring your talent. Thank you.


Never lose the tenderness of your heart, it is more powerful then all the hate in the
