First-Time Gun Buyers Driving Up Sales As Gun Violence Numbers Increase

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The FBI says 38 million firearm background checks were run in 2021 as a result of increased gun sales. NBC News’ Steve Patterson reports on how the rise in sales coincides with the rise of gun violence. 

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#GunSales #GunViolence #BackgroundChecks
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I agree with gun control especially with new owners. Having proper grip, proper stance, recoil control are all important of gun control.


I only wish buyers also take firearms courses before buying


Hopefully these new gun owners will store their guns properly to reduce gun theft which is a big factor in illegal guns being on the street.


Owning a gun has a lot of responsibilities people!
You have to take care of your gun, watch out for rust, learn to lubricate your gun properly, and apply for licenses in some states. Last but not least, how to store ammunition and your gun properly. If you're single, you can store however you want; but if you have kids, you should buy some gun lockers. And take care of your ammunition too if you don't want them to rust and damp. And don't forget to apply for gun insurance as well but it's optional if you're a just a casual recreational shooter.


thank god people are waking up and taking safety Into their own hands. being born and raised in boston I was fed all the propaganda about how guns are evil.


I would love to hear about more criminals getting killed.


Newcomers are finally seeing through the smoke and mirrors of the anti-gunner movement; plus, it’s becoming more apparent what a volatile world we live in. We currently have two “Great” examples of why our second amendment was penned in the first place. Russia, protection against a tyrannical government-abroad that can and will affect us. Also we have an example of a tyrannical government / leader domestic not only with what’s going on here but more so in Canada with its new power-hungry tyrant. Abroad to us, but domestic to Canadians.

BS: on reducing gun violence with laws, criminals by definition don't follow laws-hello. If this was true, wow the numbers would be off the charts.


Democrats: appease the black demographic by defunding police and throwing away bail.
The people: OK GUN UP ⬆️
Democrats: *Shocked Pikachu face*


What a terribly constructed report, not even passable.... It went > lots of gun sales in California by first time buyers > Californian shocked by multiple shooting in her family centric area > ?Interview with a guy who says people should just do all the things that California already is the strictest in the nation with (background checks, no concealed carry, etc)? > summary reiterating the large amount of sales to new gun owners that are black and/or women > final thought the wrong kind of people are the ones buying the guns.

Ok.. so what did we learn? California is dangerous but the way to fix it is do EXACTLY what they already do, and the terrible thing happening is black people and women having guns because they cant be trusted with them... WELL DONE NBC, do we make the check out to you or the KKK?


How about more "common sense" laws to keep violent criminals in jail? Novel idea, huh?


Politically correct: Freedom.
Politically incorrect: Vicious circle.


I wonder what percentage of actual criminals will insure their guns?


The funny part about first time gun buyers are, 100% used to support strict gun control and believes all firearms should be banned and destroyed.


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I bought one to protect myself and my family from sucker punchers


The more we defund civil protection and allow criminals to walk away with little or no punishment then the more the individual must see to their personal safety. Thus more violence from criminals the more people buy guns for their personal protection.

As has been said by others wiser than me the road to Oppression starts with reeducation and disarmament so there is no resistance, because that's just the way it has to be if you are a "good" citizen.

The 2nd Amendment was and is about the individual citizens right to defend themselves from threats to their well being. Threats from individuals or from leaders who wish to impose, or oppress for the benefit of the few.

The use of the term 'in common use' can be found in the writings of the founding fathers in their description of the Arms that are to be borne by the Militia. It referred to those Arms in common use by standing Armies of the time, remember the militia was to be a deterrent to the use of a standing army against the common citizen.
If we take that understanding of the term 'arms in common use' then the common citizen can have, in fact should have, as part of their civic duty, a weapon comparable to that used by current standing armies.
Imagine that, everybody armed with M-16 / AK-47 equivalents because the Constitution says we should. Oh and shotguns, don't forget shotguns. Used in close combat, such as jungle/thick forest, trenches, and urban house/building clearings.

And very popular as home defense guns are, pistols, shotguns and AR-15 platforms. The AR- 15 platform is the easiest gun to use by women and children as has been demonstrated numerous times in defense of family, friends and homes.

Come on man, it's common sense.


you know, if you’re in danger, flee. It’s better to leave California than to live in fear while holding a gun.


Not so much the world America is a dangerous place


Anyone gonna talk about the pansy that said "stand your ground" laws are bad? Like how?


Congree could pass a bill on this gun safety.course
