Your First Gun at 19: Jake's Recommendation

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Is it your very first time getting a firearm? Heck! Is it your first time in a gun shop! Here's what Jake would recommend for you!
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"Let's assume he doesn't have deep pocket books" 😂😂


first gun i bought myself was a $450 ish radical ar15 the day i turned 18, going to turn 20 in a couple months and haven’t had any regrets since


Start with a Ruger 10/22. 22LR lets you learn while not zapping all your part-time cash.


"First gun ever"
"Doesn't have deep pocket books"



I’m 19 and just bought my first gun a few weeks ago. I’m in Illinois so our laws suck and I couldn’t get an AR-15 right now but still wanted something similar. I ended up going with a Ruger mini-14. Just shot it yesterday and had so much fun doing so. Once the “assault weapon” ban gets overturned, I’d like to get myself an AR-15 and the ones shown in the video definitely are options.


Things have definitely changed. My first gun was a single shot 410 for my 10th birthday. I still have it 56 years later.


1000 for a 19 y o first gun is mind boggling


My first gun was a bolt action 22 single shot. I learned to make my shots count and it was very accurate. I still have it today. A great gun.


My first gun, that I bought at 19 was a Remington 870 in 12 gauge. AR's came later when I had more money to burn.


Get a Radical with B5 furniture and a Sig Romeo 5 optic total is around $650 or a PSA blemish deal with irons like $450, oil them and they will run fine.


I’m 19, first gun I bought was a little mossberg 500 for turkey hunting, couple weeks later I was filling out more paperwork for my ar. Now I’m just waiting till I can buy myself handguns lol


If your first gun wasn’t a 10/22 at 14 or a cheap milsurp bolt action at 18 then you’re doing it wrong 😂


When I fell into the firearm abyss, my gateway was the Ruger 10/22. I have a few of them now.


My stepdad was a deputy and taught firearm/hunter safety classes.

I wanted an AR15 when I was 12....I got a bolt action 22, Marlin model 25. He said it's best to learn slow, aimed fire with a low recoil rifle before going crazy with rapid fire.

Best gun advice I've ever been given.


I feel like a universal first gun ought to be a 10/22, or something in .22lr, you can't really go wrong with something like that. That was personally my first pick, what a fun caliber


I work at a Gun store and whenever I get someone who’s never shot or owned a gun before and wants to start I always suggest to them getting a 22lr pistol and rifle to learn the fundamentals. It’s low on recoil in expensive to shoot and overall fun and can still be used for home defense if needed. It’s not gonna have them scared of the firearms and or give them a bad first experience shooting like if they were to buy a high powered rifle or pistol. The AR isn’t high powered but someone who is new to the gun game and never owned or shot one best thing imo is to start off with a 22 like I’d say most of us did


We need to make .22lr cool again. People don't get hooked on shooting when they start figuring out how much money the hobby costs. They don't need a .556 that sits in the corner of the room collecting dust. I started on .22lr. I got back to it and am loving it at 30 years old. You're never too cool for rimfire.

Although, one of those .22lr bolt conversion kits is also a good idea. I just don't think anyone will regret owning a Ruger 10/22.


I bought a Ruger 10/22 to practice marksmanship fundamentals before I went to basic and it’s still in my safe. I plan on passing it down to my son.


I’m excited to see your recommendations. I’m a73 yr old female and was taught shooting and safety by my Dad when I was 8-10 yrs old. My hubby was a bit of an emotional bully for the first 8 yrs of our marriage. He would go to the range to shoot and got a carry permit as soon as he could get one. He took me with him once and probably thought he could humiliate me or impress me with his ability. He handed me the gun and told me to try to hit the target. Every shot was in the kill zone even though I hadn’t shot a gun in 20 years. My hubby no longer tries to emotional bully me anymore. 😂


"I recommend you give me a ton of money for something you don't need"
