The Doors - 5 to 1 | REACTION

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The Doors at their finest moment IMO. Such a hard hitting song.


He’s the Lizard King, he can do anything…


Between this tune, ‘Roadhouse Blues’, and ‘When the Music’s Over’, this is how I learned to be a rock ‘n’ roll frontman.


02:43 for the win.
I always considered this song and "Not To Touch the Earth" as their true masterpieces; nothing quite like either song had ever been recorded, prior to this album.


Every time I come back to The Doors I rediscover them all over again!


I've read several books on the doors. Here's a fun story from one: The Doors mgmt hired a bodyguard for Jim to stop him from drinking. Well, Jim and the bodyguard ended up in a bar and both got wrecked =)


Peace Frog is a good one, also.
Haven’t listened to the Doors in ages and have been enjoying your reactions. :)


Every generation seems to find The Doors & Jim Morrison. The fascination never ends. Many artists have maligned Jim and his they'll be long forgotten while Jim still beguiles. The Light & the Dark. Jim's voice captured it like no other. That dude was a crooner of the highest level. Pitch & note perfect and that primal scream too. Goddamn- the best.
That is probably the first song Jim ever did drunk. Yet, the band get him over the line brilliantly. Okay, he ultimately blew it but boy did he make his mark in those 6 years. Only the greats can match it. And that's what Jim & his band were.


Morrison's greatest rock lyrics:
"Cancel my subscription to the resurrection, send my credentials to the house of detention"


What makes this an interesting change from a lot of the 60's protest songs is that Morrison goes after the younger generation and takes them to task for their failures as well. "You walk across the room with your flowers in hair, trying to tell me no one understands. Trading your hours for a handful of dimes". He's referencing the hippie kids who came to San Francisco, but unable to sustain themselves, spent their days begging on the streets for spare change. He's telling them to get up off their asses and actually do something to make a change in the


Robbie's guitar work on this track is so underrated, often the case with Robbie's work, but those who know know how influential this style switching to swing in and out of the distortion with the other instruments, geniuses all.


Jamel always nailing the samples. You're the best. Peace Frog/Blue Sunday by the Doors is an underrated fav. of many fans. You should love it.


Like so many '60's era bands The Doors put out so much good music in such a relatively short amount of time. Too bad the Lizard King couldn't stick around for another decade or two.


Unmistakable sound of The Doors. Nothing like them in the history of music.


Greatest American Rock Band and will be relevant for centuries.


The doors, OG's all the way. Morrisons poetry is awesome, he wrote a lot of it. Many books worth. No one like them. America's first punk band..


I have just been a part of "the family” for a few months. I don't know if you read comments on older reactions,

but I am playing catch-up with all your reactions, and commenting when I have words. I have cancer and

watching your reactions to the music I grew up on; from the mid 60's on, puts a smile on my face every time I hit play.
Sir, You Are A Very Good Human, let no one ever tell you otherwise.

Having Grand Funk Railroad, The Doors, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, C, S, N, & Y, Janis, SRV, The Who,

Bob Dylan, etc. on multiple playlist keep me going. I was lucky and fortunate that from 1971 on I have 191 shows and

concerts behind me. My music keeps me sane these days (your part of that). I have stumbled upon several young new

artist in the last 3 years [at least new to me] who's music would have played in the late 60' and early 70's. It's very

refreshing to see young people perfecting their talents and are making real quality sound.

There is one artist that I listen to these last 3 years more than anyone else. It is Warren Zevon – a good song to start

There’s a reason I picked lyric videos instead of live performances or production videos. Because, if you choose to do a Reaction

to Warren Zevon; I want you to after you have your video edited and posted; take some time and watch this VH-1 Special about him. His

Sorry for the length of my comment, but I’ve not slept in 48 hours, and the keyboard is like a conversation to me. I am
so glad that I found you and your channel, you make this 64-year-old hippie smile on the worst of the worst days.

Thanks for all you do in keeping great music alive. I could list hundreds of songs and artists, but I won’t keep rambling on.

Have a great day.


"Come on!" "COME ON!!!" *Big eyes*

Best moment in this reaction. Clearly, that BELONGED there.


WERE would RAPPERS be WITH OUT THE 60s and 70s, , Its Amazing how much Older music still RULES , ,,


This is another favorite. Imagine some of the emotions young people felt hearing those lyrics in the late 60's and into the 70's... i always felt like this was one of those original rebellious songs. Like it's the rebel anthem.
