The Boomer Solution

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The Boomer Solution Transcript: Boomers, huh they are quite something aren’t they. As someone who has a degree in boomerology I can tell you that the boomer is often quite misunderstood and society as a whole misunderstands them, we let them run free and its causing a lot of problems but don’t worry my years in the field of boomerology and expertise in boomer human relations has led me to the wonderful realisation that it doesn’t have to be this way. There is something we can do about them and it is more humane than what we are currently doing now. But before that for the uninitiated why even bother what is so bad about boomers? Let me preface this by saying if you are a boomer watching this you are one of the cool ones and when we take over the world you will be given special exemptions. So what is a boomer anyway, a boomer is a person born directly after ww2 in 1946 and up until 1964. Back then you could buy a house for pocket lint and spare change with a job you got right out of college because you shook the owners hand and they hired you. The boomers will cry out and say oh but we had to pay high interest rates, but they didn’t actually not really compared to now as paying 8% on a $30,000 house isnt the same as 7% on a $300,000 house. Ok so these guys worked hard and made their money so what? Well in 1973 Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard and you don’t need to be an economist to see why that had an inflationary effect on just about everything which was great for boomers who owned a lot of stuff, so essentially what happened was boomers stole purchasing power from future generations to fix problems that weren’t really that big of a deal in the first place. Its kind of like having a nail that needs to hammered in and you decide that the hammer may miss when you swing it so you decide to drone strike the area to make sure it gets nailed in regardless of future implications. Ok so they are wealthy but surely this isnt that bad because there aren’t many boomers kicking around anyway right? Well you are also wrong there because there are more boomers than millennials which I was shocked when I first read that aswell. Which is kinda crazy given that millennials and younger generations are expected to pay for the pensions of these boomers. Ok so there are a lot of them and they are wealthy, atleast because they are so hardworking they must be very intelligent and wise right? Well also no because of a thing called leaded petrol, shoutout to my main man Thomas Midgely. Lets see what effect lead has on the brain, oh look here it says increased risks of mental disorders including but not limited to parkinsons alzhiemers and schizophrenia, not to mention it is basically proven that it causes significant decreases in IQ especially amongst children so they are all under mental decline and best of all they are the highest voting group and the most pandered too aswell. So so far they are very rich, very influential and also very dumb now that sounds like a recipe for success if you ask me surely this can only get better right. Well turns out they are also the easiest to fool be it with propaganda or scams or whatever, one day I saw a post about a grandma being scammed by some Indian dude and the grandson walks in trying to get her off the phone before she loses her money and she had the audacity to get mad at her grandson for quote “not letting her help the police catch a criminial” really grandma? You were helping the police? And the police happened to have an Indian accent and was also called dave smith from microsoft? So unsurprisingly the grandma lost all her money and was completely shocked that someone would lie like that, well the grandson then started a gofundme to help replace the money she lost and everyone was cooking them in the comments, someone said it was basically a gofundme for the Indian scammer cos that’s where it was gonna end up again and let me just say lol. It made me realise that when you argue with a boomer you aren’t actually arguing with them you are basically arguing with the TV because that’s all they watch and consume really, and the TV cant listen to you but, you can turn the TV off, just kidding just kidding. These are same people who will ask you how to save something as a PDF file and get angry at you because they forgot their password to login to their.
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Unsubscribed do to you being a liberal


The lead poisoning explains the state the world is in rn


that's literally what my grandpa thinks the government wants to do to him


In my country, Spain, we have an informal term for the boomers: "generación langosta" or "locust generation", referencing the locust plague that ate the crops in Egypt, leaving nothing for the future generations.
Edit: "langosta" means both "locust" and "lobster" in Spanish, for those who are confused. Check RAE or Cambridge dictionary and you will see It :)


Now, the boomers might have ruined the economy and keep calling us lazy, but damn, they sure made some good movies back in the day.


"Theyre very rich, very influential, and also very dumb" 😬💀🤣


"Its like arguing with a TV" Insanely accurate bruh.
There are so many stories of these old heads just glued onto the TV and litterally nothing else.
MSNBC or FOX could tell them one thing, and they believe it till days end.
Its really goofy.


As gen x and expert in boomeronomy I congratulate you on getting the time frame of boomers birth right.


This is the year that the youngest Boomers turn 60 in the US.


The final solution to the boomer problem


The funny thing about “pull yourself up by the boot straps” is that it’s literally Impossible, boot straps are attached to the boot on your foot. It’s like saying you can fly by jumping on the air. And boomers think it’s a motivational quote


Im shocked this channel is still relatively small. Definitely a grower, not a shower. Great content man, keep at it. Please never change. The content is so dumb but i love it because i learn. I wanna call this content mid-quality comedic intellectual rot (all consuming)


Imagine if stoic did a video like this about politicians. Might literally get drone striked.


Lead poisoning? That sounds awfully familiar. Wait a minute **Realizes the Romans used lead in their plumbing systems causing lead poisoning throughout the population causing the downfall of Rome**


Mr. Stoic, will you remember me when you become famous? 😢😢😢


Stoic stick posted, I can edge in peace today


The boomerverse sounds like a nice idea. Hopping on virtual reality to visit grandma.


Hey dawg, I'm a teacher from Iran and recently stumbled upon your channel. Upon learning youre Persian, I was shocked, and simply wanted to tell you;
نوروز پیشاپیش خجسته باد، چه در ایرانی، چه آنور آب.

Keep up the good work! Love your videos homie.


The boomer cries out in pain as he strikes you
...and his grandchildren


The final solution to the boomer question
